The second trailer is out for The Greatest Showman with Hugh Jackman and Zac Efron and I know I cannot wait to see it on December 20th.
Just watching this trailer reminded me of the happy times I used to have going to Barnum and Bailey Circus as a kid. I know that is not PC to say, but I enjoyed the circus. Because of that, I can see loving this film just as much.
Hugh Jackman was out shopping and he found something that looked familiar to him. It was a Wolverine costume. Although it is not the one we are used to seeing him in, it is the one that is featured in the comic book. Which given the choice, I would rather dress like him in The X-Men movies. Who wouldn’t?
Seriously though, I wonder how weird is it for actors to see the costumes in the stores of the characters they play. It has to be a weird déjà vu.
The first trailer is out for The Greatest Showman starring Hugh Jackman as the legendary PT Barnum and it looks as thrilling as the circus he created.
I think it is the perfect movie to do Jewish Christmas with this year because what more do you need on December 25th, but Jackman and Zac Efron thrilling us with their showmanship. It is enough to get me out there and dump my family on the holiday. It is like trading one circus for another one. At least with this one will leave you feeling good while the other one might not.
Hugh Jackman has many special talents like singing, acting, dancing and fighting, but there is one thing he didn’t know how to do until now. That thing is slurping, and he learned how to do it from the Ramen Junkie. Who knew that was a thing? I have been eating Ramen all my life and I never knew that.
How did he do? Wolverine mastered it with his first slurp. Just a word to the wise, he shouldn’t try slurping when he is alone with his wife. If you know what I mean. No woman wants to hear that sound coming from underneath the sheets.
There is a little trick in Hollywood to make sounds really pop on the screen because they don’t always record as they want in the field. They do that by re-recording the audio in a soundproof room after they are done filming the scene.
Here is Hugh Jackman, recording a scene where he is running and fighting. Even though he is just standing in front of a microphone, he went all out. Running, punching and screaming just like he did when they originally filmed the scene.
It is quite incredible to watch. But then again, it is always incredible to watch Wolverine. I want see Deadpool aka Ryan Reynolds top that!