Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Henry Winkler
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Henry Winkler spits on it
March 2nd, 2012 under Craig Ferguson, Henry Winkler. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday Henry Winkler was on The Late Late Show and Craig Ferguson asked him if he spits when he talks. The nicest man in Hollywood says that he does. So then the CBS late night host asked if he ever laughs and a booger comes out. Then The Fonz said something that got the Scot to do just that. He said, “I blow before every conversation.” Out of all the people to say that too, Ferguson is not the one you want to say blow and spit in front of because what Ferguson will do next is something that might be hard to swallow.


Henry Winkler’s smile brings one to my face!!!
October 20th, 2011 under Henry Winkler. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Pictures
Just like saying Shiny Happy People three times, seeing Henry Winkler smile brings a huge grin to my face! It is a slow entertainment news days, but when I was going through the pictures and I saw The Fonz’s happy face the day suddenly got better!
So if you need to smile, just look at the picture of the nicest guy in Hollywood and you will have Happy Days that will go into your Night Shift!!!


Sir Fonzie!
September 15th, 2011 under Henry Winkler. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from WireImage)

Henry Winler was honored by the Queen of England yesterday with the Honorary Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE) title at the US British Embassy! The Happy Days actor had to say this about his new title, “Receiving this honour is a very humbling experience. My goal when I started working with children was never to bring accolades on myself, but instead to change how people think about those around them for whom learning is a struggle. I am flattered to have had my work recognised in this manner, and hope to continue showing kids that their learning difficulty isn’t a disability.” If any American deserved this honor, it is Hollywood’s Nicest Actor! Ayyyyy!


Do Henry Winkler and Tony Danza have something to tell us?
July 7th, 2011 under Do they have something to tell us?, Henry Winkler. [ Comments: none ]

Henry Winkler and Tony Danza met up on the red carpet at the Zookeeper premiere and I wonder if the two of them have something to tell us? Nope, it is just two old friends saying hi to eachother, but for a second I enjoyed picturing The Fonz and Tony Banta Micelli getting their own special sitcom together.


Henry Winkler is a proud pop!!!
March 23rd, 2011 under Henry Winkler. [ Comments: 1 ]

Henry Winkler’s son’s new movie Ceremony had it’s Hollywood premiere yesterday and look how proud The Fonz is of Max! Not only was he gushing about him on the red carpet, he was also doing it on Twitter, “well max did it.. wow we as parents are so proud. whatever happens now is up to the universe but max made a smart compelling love story.” Max is so lucky to not only have a father who is so proud of him, but also to have the nicest guy in Hollywood as his dad! Well that and he looks just like his pop did when he was on Happy Days…ayyyyy! Just picture him jeans, a white T-shirt and a leather jacket and Max could step right into his father’s infamous role.
Seriously I just love Henry Winkler, so much so I am going to watch Ceremomy just to support him.
BTW if you are not following him on Twitter, you should because every one of HWinkler4Real’s Tweets put a smile on my face whenever I read them because they are just so positive. I am being so sincere about how good they make me feel. We need more actors in this town like him. So make sure to support the next generation of him and watch Ceremony on NetFlix now!!!


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