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Did this Wheel of Fortune guest say flamingo or Flamenco?
April 10th, 2018 under Game Shows, Wheel of Fortune. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday on Wheel of Fortune, a contestant lost $7,100 because Jonny said the wrong word. Instead of saying “Flamenco Dance Lessons,” he said, “flamingo.” With that response, he went bankrupt on that puzzle for that mispronunciation.

While that was sad enough, what was funny was his expression as Pat Sajak told him he did not solve the puzzle. If looks could kill, Sajak would be dead right about now. Funk soul brother.

One thing we can all assume, Jonny will never ever take Flamenco dance lessons.


What is Reese Witherspoon movies on Jeopardy for $1,000?
April 3rd, 2018 under Game Shows, Jeopardy, Reese Witherspoon/Ryan Phillippe. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday on Jeopardy they had a whole category dedicated to Reese Witherspoon movies on the popular game show?

How did the contestants do? Only one person got all 5 answers right. How did you do? I got 4 out 5 and I am extremely embarrassed.


Want to learn how to talk like Donald Duck?
February 13th, 2018 under Game Shows, Jeopardy. [ Comments: none ]

Let’s be honest with each other, ever since you were a kid you have wanted to talk like Donald Duck. Although, you never knew how.

Thanks to Jeopardy, the show that teaches so much, has taught how to do one of the most iconic voices of our youth. It looks easy, but it is hard. So hard I cannot do it, but I crack up hysterically laughing every time I try.

How did you do? I know you have tried it! How can you not?


What is, the Jeopardy contestants don’t know anything about football?
February 2nd, 2018 under Game Shows, Jeopardy. [ Comments: none ]

Jeopardy contestants seem to know everything about anything, but there is one category they cannot score a touch down on. In fact, none of them were able to even get a first down when they had ask questions on football.

Alex Trebek asked Ryan, Sara and Justin the $200 answer and there was dead silence from the three of them. Even quieter than the locker room of the team who just lost the Super Bowl. Would it get better after that? Not at all. The Jeopardy set was even more silent than it is in the middle of the night when no one is there.

Wonder if the game show will give this category a permanent time out or bring it back to see if another these can do better or worse? Although can any three fumble worse than these guys?

In defense of them, I did not get any of those answers either.


Does Eminem look like Jack White to you?
January 12th, 2018 under Eminem, Game Shows. [ Comments: 1 ]

The other night on Jeopardy, they had a category on the game show called Vinyl Resting Place. Alex Trebek asked them questions about vinyl records and for the $1,200 clue they even had a photo of the singer. Yet, Rebecca totally guessed wrong on the vocalist. She heard Detroit and immediately went with Eminem. But if you look at that photo, you can tell that Jack White looks absolutely nothing like the rapper. When has the Real Slim Shady ever had long black hair, facial hair or wore any type of hat other than a baseball cap?

I should not knock Rebecca too much. I might know what Marshall Mathers looks like, but I sure as hell do not the answer to most of those other questions. Do you?


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