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Sofia the First gets Frozen!
January 13th, 2016 under Frozen. [ Comments: none ]

Disney Channel and Disney Junior found a way to make their target audience, 2-7 year olds, even happier than when they walk into a candy store! How? On February 14th, Olaf is coming to Sofia the First. If you don’t have anyone under 7 in your lives, then you will not get how huge this is, but I do. I so wish I could go to her school right now and break the news to her first grade class. They would be jumping for joy because Sofia the First and Frozen are like two of their favorite things.
So parents if you want to have sex on Valentine’s Day, but didn’t think you could because you have kids. Now you can, just put on Disney and let them watch this over and over and over and over again!


Channing Tatum is a beautiful Elsa!
January 4th, 2016 under Channing Tatum, Frozen. [ Comments: none ]
Channing Tatum is going head to head against his wife, Jenna Dewan, on this Thursday’s Lip Sync Battle on Spike TV, and he plans on freezing her out of the win. He will do this by dressing up as Elsa from Frozen and singing Let It Go.
Not only is this brilliant way to win, it is also a genius plan to make sure his daughter Everly doesn’t get addicted to Frozen like so many other girls of her generation. I would have nightmares if I saw my dad do this and then watched the Disney movie. And I have seen my dad in drag a few times in my life, but that is a whole other story!
And talking about drag and Frozen, here is the Tastee Freez performing the tune in her own special way during Best Drag in Show 2014. Magic Mike ain’t got nothing on Miss Alaska!


Hello Adele, Let It Go!
November 20th, 2015 under Adele, Frozen. [ Comments: none ]

A few years ago, the ballad Let It Go from Frozen was stuck in our heads. Now, it is all about Adele’s Hello. Well Obsev, wondered what happened if you combined the two. The answer, is pure perfection that you don’t want to let go.


Taylor Swift let’s it go with Idina Menzel!
November 1st, 2015 under Frozen, Taylor Swift. [ Comments: none ]
There is a new member in Taylor Swift’s squad and her name is Idina Menzel. The Tony winner donned an Elsa like blue dress as she joined Swift, who was dressed as Olaf, on the stage, and together the two sang Let It Go from Frozen. I guess since the cold rarely bothers Tampa anyway, they gave the duet a very warm reception. Then again since it has been so long since we over inundated with that tune, I think we are all excited to hear it again and hear it from them.
Although, now I have that freaking song stuck in my head. My brain just won’t let it go, let it go.


This baby reacts to Let It Go just like we do…by crying!
April 4th, 2015 under Frozen. [ Comments: none ]

Millions of little girls all over the world are in love with Frozen and the biggest song from it, Let It Go. Well there is one sweet baby girl who hates the song so much, she cries whenever she hears it. In fact, Harper can be all happy and giddy; but as soon as she hears Idina Menzel’s voice the tears begin to flow. You know, just like you and me when you hear that tune coming from a television for the millionth time.


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