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BTWF roles: Matthew Perry in Charles in Charge
February 9th, 2011 under Before They Were Famous, Friends (cast), Matthew Perry. [ Comments: 1 ]

(Starts at 3:25 in)

Before Matthew Perry was Mr Sunshine, he was The Wrong Guy on Charles in Charge. Seriously how cute was he when he was just 15 in that 1985 episode? I so would have had a crush on him back the, who am I kidding I still want him! He is my favorite Friend!


Jennifer Aniston between two non-friends
February 9th, 2011 under Friends (cast), Zach Galifianakis. [ Comments: none ]

Jennifer Aniston is making the rounds the promote her latest movie where she plays the same character she always does and one of those stops was Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis on Funny Or Die. Well unlike most talk shows she was the second guest and she followed Tila Tequilla. Well the Hangover actor was over the Friends actress and concentrated on the reality star who is more known for sex tapes and such than her show. Can anyone say they blame him?
BTW does anyone else think that Zach’s hair on the top of his head should be just as long as his beard because he looks like someone from a horror movie like that. You know the insane killer who skins people alive?


Matt LeBlanc is no Joey…he’s so much better than that!!!
February 7th, 2011 under Craig Ferguson, Friends (cast). [ Comments: none ]

Matt LeBlanc was on The Late Late Show last week and his chat with Craig Ferguson was one of the funniest I have seen on the show so far. The Friends star has a very dry sense of humor and it worked perfectly with Craig’s that isn’t so dry. I have had a whole new respect for LeBlanc since I have been watching him ob Episodes, but this interview just solidified my new found love for him!
Seriously wasn’t that a great interview? See how Craig handles his next friend weeknights on CBS at 12:37a and learn more about Matt’s big d!ck on Showtime every Sunday at 9:30p!


Matthew Perry’s TMI!
February 1st, 2011 under David Letterman, Friends (cast), Matthew Perry. [ Comments: none ]

Matthew Perry was on The Late Show and he shared with David Letterman about the time he got a colonic to keep his youthful look. (I don’t think he looks his age at all, so I say it worked) The Friend told him while the nutritionist was down there he decided to make some small talk with him. The doctor said to him, “So how’s your career going?” and Perry responded with “Can’t you tell?” Well I have seen his new sitcom Mr Sunshine that debuts next Wednesday on ABC at 930p and just like an erection his career is looking up and not going to the sh!tter like when he was getting that colonic!!!
BTW am I the only one who totally loved his socks and the way they went perfectly with his suit!


Jennifer Aniston hated the thing that made her a star
January 18th, 2011 under Friends (cast). [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo from WireImage)

Jennifer Aniston did an interview with Allure magazine and she told them that she wasn’t a fan of the thing I think that made her a lot of fans. She said, “I love Chris, and he’s the bane of my existence at the same time because he started that damn Rachel, which was not my best look. How do I say this? I think it was the ugliest haircut I’ve ever seen.” If it wasn’t for “The Rachel”, do you think she would be as big as she is now. I think it was the thing made her stand out from Lisa Kudrow and Courteney Cox at the time.


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