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You will have a love connection with Love Connection
May 25th, 2017 under Andy Cohen, Fox. [ Comments: none ]

When I heard that Fox was bringing back Love Connection with Andy Cohen as the host, I didn’t know what to expect. I was not sure what they were going to do to modernize it and if that modernization would ruin what made the original version so enjoyable. After watching the first episode, I am happy there is a perfect mix from the old and new versions, so you are going to want to make a date with it tonight and every Thursday this Summer at 9p.

The episode starts off with a suitor in a video describing why they decided to do the dating show. Then they come out to talk to Andy and we get to see the 3 people they went on a date with. As we meet each potential lover, we get to learn how they rated each other on just their appearances only. Next up we get hear how their dates went both live on the show and with confessions that were recorded on the date. Finally, it is time for them to decide which of the three they want to go out with again. If they audience picks the same person, the suitor gets $10,000. If not, they have to choose the date or the money. It will be interesting to see how many have a love connection and how many have a money connection.

Earlier this week, I was on a conference call with Cohen and he previewed the upcoming season.

What type of daters will we see?
Oh my Gd, we’ve got a great lesbian group of daters, one of whom comes out to her mother on the air. We’ve got a man who is in his 70’s who went on his first Tinder date or a first online date recently and the woman stood him up. So we set him up with three dates. We’ve got the gay guys; we have a surprising Real Housewife. We have a lot of big ones.

Who plans the date?
: They [the three daters] plan the dates [with the suitor]. We give them $500 and say do anything with it.

Did the show make any Love Connections?
Yes, you have updates on everybody and it’s incredible how many people are still dating and we’re keeping the updates kind of up to the minute.

What made him want to the show?
It’s just I loved the format, I loved asking awkward questions. It just felt like the perfect marriage of a show for me, of format.

How is he as a matchmaker?
I’ve had matchmaking successes for people who have wound up having great dates or hooking up, but I have not hooked up a couple that has wound up getting married.

Would he sit on the other side of the couch?
I would go on three dates but I don’t know if I would do it on TV.


Here is Fox’s Fall schedule!
May 15th, 2017 under Fox. [ Comments: none ]
Fox announced their Fall schedule and like NBC a lot of their shows will get new days and times.

On Mondays, Lucifer starts the night off with his devilish ways and leads into Marvel’s The Gifted. The latter looks like a darker version of Heroes. I think this will be their strongest night.

Tuesdays begin with Lethal Weapon and it has a lot to prove. Then they give us something to laugh about with The Mick and Brooklyn Nine-Nine. It will be interesting to see how the comedies do airing after a drama because the normal structure has them reversed.

Hump day is all Lee Daniels with Empire leading into Star.

Gotham has a new night and it is Thursdays at 8p. At 9p, Seth MacFarlane’s The Orville. Poor Orville is against This Is Us, so it has a strike against it.

Fridays are the same as last Fall with Hell’s Kitchen and The Exorcist. I am still trying to figure out why they picked the latter up for another season.

Finally, Sundays are the same except for the addition of Ghosted at 8:30p. Which is good because it is a strong night.

While that is what is on the schedule, Fox also talked about shows that are not on the schedule. The network feels that Scream Queens has told its story. 24: Legacy is on hold because the star’s lead is on Broadway and they haven’t yet talked about what the next season could entail. Finally, Prison Break was an event series and they will bring it back as such.

To see the schedule and read descriptions of the show, thne click here!


Will Fox lose its dignity with Rent?
May 12th, 2017 under Fox, RENT. [ Comments: none ]

In less that 525,600 minutes Fox will be adapting Rent for the small screen with a live version sometime next season. The Broadway musical is about AIDS, drugs, homosexuality and being as free as you can before the turn of the millennium in NYC. I just don’t know how they are going to do it for broadcast TV and keep the feel that the late Jonathan Larson was going for, you know La Vie Bohème, even though his estate gave their blessing for the production.

The only way I would approve of it, is if they get the original cast members to do it. But instead they will go with cast members from Glee. No one can see One Song Glory like Adam Pascal. His voice was made for Rent.

Now, I thought I would hate Grease Live, but I enjoyed it. I knew I would detest Rocky Horror Picture Show and I am still flipping mad over it. And not in a Dr. Frank-N-Furter way. Well kind of like how he felt towards Eddie sort of way.

Anyways, I will try to be positive, but Rent is one my favorite plays and I just don’t have enough faith in them to get it right. How do you feel about them doing Rent?


Fox is bringing A Christmas Story to life this Christmas!
May 12th, 2017 under Fox. [ Comments: none ]
On Monday, ABC announced that they were bringing back American Idol and NBC one upped them by announcing that they hired Jennifer Hudson and Kelly Clarkson as Coaches for The Voice. NBC announced that they are doing Jesus Christ Superstar live for Easter and Fox one upped them by announcing that they are doing A Christmas Story: The Musical live for Christmas. CBS the ball is your court for one upping all of that.

Now back to Fox, we know that A Christmas Story is a TBS staple every December 25th, but in 2012 a musical version went to Broadway. The latter version is coming to Fox this December. Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, who worked on Dear Evan Hansen, La La Land and ACS:TM, will be writing some new songs for the three hour production.

The only thing I ask, is not only will it be good, but also they find a way to incorporate Peter Billingsley in it. Without him, is there really a Christmas Story? Musical or not.


All four of this season’s time travel broadcast shows have been cancelled
May 11th, 2017 under ABC, Fox, NBC, Primetime TV, The CW. [ Comments: none ]
A year ago, when the networks announced their 2016-2017 schedules, time travel was a big theme. NBC had Timeless, The CW had Frequency, ABC had Time After Time and Fox had Making History. Now, a year later all four have them are no longer traveling through any more time time. That is because all of four were cancelled. Making the TV Execs wish they had a time machine, so they could come up with a more winning theme.

Ever since I was a kid and I saw the movie Time After Time, I fell in love with the concept of time traveling. Therefore, I looked forward to and watched all the shows.

Timeless was up first and it started out good. Then they focused more on the conspiracy theory then traveling through time. Causing me to lose interest in the show which had an occasional good episode.

Next up was Frequency and I loved the pilot. But, I stopped watching after 3 episodes and I honestly can’t remember why.

Time After Time was the one I looked most forward to because the movie was a huge part of my childhood. I am still obsessed with Jack the Ripper because of it. Anyways, I liked the show and where they were going with it, but ABC pulled it after just a few episodes. Which I think was a huge mistake even though the numbers weren’t there unfortunately.

Finally, there was Making History and Leighton Meester is absolutely brilliant on this show. She needs to work nonstop after this. But back to the show. I think they got lost somewhere in the writing because it is very scattered. Because of that it is one of TV’s lowest rated shows with barely over a million tuning in each week.

Having said all of that, I don’t foresee any time travel shows being announced next week at he upfronts. I do expect a lot of This Is Us knock offs and most of them failing.

Talking about failing, Making History wasn’t the only show cancelled at Fox today. Son of Zorn and APB also bit the dust. While Fox was giving us bad news, NBC picked up Blindspot and Blacklist for another season.

Stay tuned for more because we are still missing the fates for a lot of the ABC, CBS and Fox comedies. Which will be no laughing matter for me.

UPDATE: ABC and NBC picked up and cancelled a lot of shows.

ABC picked up the beloved comedy The Goldbergs for not one, but two more seasons! While American Housewife, Designated Survivor, Once Upon a Time and Agents of a Shield will back for another season. When it comes to who won’t be back, that list is longer. Going going gone are American Crime, Secrets & Lies, Imaginary Mary, The Real O’Neals, The Catch and Dr Ken.

Those are their scripted show, they also picked up Shark Tank, The Bachelor and Dancing with the Stars. The latter got not one but two cycles which means that American Idol and Dancing with Stars will both air in the Spring. I think that will be a huge mistake. Too much for a reality for a network that has the least of it of the big 4.

Now what about NBC, Powerless lost its power and Great News got some great news. Oh and The Voice continues to mess with Idol because they announced that Kelly Clarkson joins the show as a coach in the Spring. Yesterday, they announced that Jennifer Hudson is joining the show in the Fall.


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