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The largest Glee Flash Mob!
April 12th, 2010 under Flash Mobs, Glee. [ Comments: none ]

via ONTD
Good thing Seattle is known for their coffee because I don’t think any other city could have organized a flash mob as large as the one they got together to celebrate Glee returning to TV tomorrow on Fox at 9:28. Not only was that flash mob the largest one I have ever seen but it was also my favorite so far. Not just because it was set to the music of Glee, but they did a really good job choreographing all those people like that. It is not easy to get that many people to do what they did and make it look seamless. I just wish the cameraperson showed the whole crowd instead of just the front for most of it.
BTW I have seen the next two episode of Glee and I forgot just how brillaint the show is! Fox sent out the first three episodes but I just can’t get past next week’s Madonna episode because it is all kinds of freaking awesomeness!!!


A Glee flashmob in Madrid!
March 15th, 2010 under Flash Mobs, Glee. [ Comments: 5 ]

Glee is going to premiere on Neox in Madrid next Monday and in order to let people know about they did a Flashmob. I think out of all the Flashmobs this one is my favorite because it was actually an rehearsed dance number and just not a lot of people moving together in some unorganized way.
BTW I love that Glee is continuing its world domination by premiering in Spain next week!
xoxo Matt!


A flashmob for Star Wars fans
February 17th, 2010 under Flash Mobs, Star Wars. [ Comments: none ]

via CinemaBlend
Here is a flashmob for Star Wars fans only because anyone who isn’t one will think that is the saddest flashmob ever. On February 13th Bristol Flashmob organized a lightsaber flashmob at Cabot Circus and just attacked each other for over 2 minutes until they all grouped together in one big circle with their lightsabers above their heads. While I am all for flashmobs this one was so lame that I could have lived without it. But I figure there might be a few Star Wars fans who read my blog and think that is really cool.
Hopefully Bristol Flashmob will do a better job on April 3rd when they do it again for World Pillow Fight Day.


A Glee Flash Mob
December 24th, 2009 under Flash Mobs, Glee. [ Comments: 4 ]

via GMMR
There was another Flash Mob in the world and this one happened in Italy to promote Glee. The hit American show is making its way over there tomorrow and what better way to introduce it to the Italians but with a Flash Mob in front of Rome’s Galleria Alberto Sordi?
Part of me is thinking we need to put a stop to these Flash Mobs and then the other part of me wants to be part of one. Anyone want to do one with me and what should we do it to?


A Jewish Flash Mob
December 17th, 2009 under Awesome Videos, Flash Mobs. [ Comments: none ]

via Tears For Fears’ Curt Smith’s Twitter
In honor of Hannukah Nefesh B’Nefesh (an Israeli nonprofit) organized 150 people for a Flash Mob in Jerusalem to dance to Smooth E’s Hanukkah Hey Ya. Who said white people can’t dance? Anyone who watched that video. But you know what it was a lot of fun to watch and I am sure a lot fun to be part of.
BTW my favorite part of that video is everyone’s reaction like WTF? If I were there I would have the same reaction.


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