Would you eat these flavor candy canes? |
September 19th, 2019 under Fast Food, Junk Food. [ Comments: none ]

Over the last few years, Candy Canes are no longer just peppermint. They are bubblegum, strawberry, chocolate, Coca Cola, Rootbeer and so many other candy flavors.
Archie McPhee does not do those flavors. They already have bacon, clam, mac & cheese, Krampus, coal and pickle. This year they added three new flavors and they are ham, kale and pizza. An interesting array of flavors.
Those are just the candy canes, they also have lobster, gravy, pickle and bacon vegetable sucking candies.
As nasty as all of this sounds, I really want to try all of them. I might order some of them to taste. Then whichever ones I hate, I will put in an unlabeled bowl and let people try them too. The look on their faces will be my holiday joy. Which is why I better get the coal flavored canes.
Would you eat peanut butter and pickle sandwich Twinkies? |
September 12th, 2019 under Fast Food. [ Comments: 6 ]

These days there are so many odd-flavored combination snacks, you never know what is real and what is fake. The other day Hostess Snacks posted a photo of their newest Twinkies and it is peanut butter and pickle sandwich.
Is it really happening or are they teasing us? Sadly for me, but not their fans, Today found out that they played an April Fool’s Day joke us. And as someone who born on that day, I find this prank cruel. I have eaten pickles with stranger things and I was looking forward to it. It would be sweet, nutty and salty all rolled into one. All they need is to cover it in dark chocolate and it would be perfect. Yummy!
Rudy finally gets a sequel and it is finger looking good! |
September 5th, 2019 under Fast Food, Mackenzie and Sean Astin. [ Comments: none ]
It has been almost 23 years since Rudy scored a touchdown with audiences and now it is finally getting a sequel. This time around Sean Astin’s character’s dream is to be Colonel Sanders and his wish will come true.
While it is not the movie you were expecting, stranger things have happened. Why couldn’t he go from football player to Kentucky Fried Chicken spokesman? I would watch!
Seriously, I am so happy the Sean Astin summer of appreciation is continuing on. He is one of the good guys in Hollywood. Which is why he is always playing that type of role. Well maybe not in The Strain, but other than that he is always the guy you root for.
One little tidbit, the man who tells Astin that he cannot become the head of KFC is the real Rudy Ruettiger. Two Rudys in one shot.
Did Krispy Kreme win the pumpkin spice game this year? |
September 2nd, 2019 under Fast Food. [ Comments: none ]
Tis the season of pumpkin spice.
Starbucks added some new pumpkin spice drinks to its menu this fall. SPAM is joining in on the flavored fun this year with its canned ham. From today until Sunday, Krispy Kreme is selling two donuts for the season.
That’s right not one but two. One is plain and the other one is stuffed with cheesecake. How mouthwatering yummy does that sound? I am not a fan of donuts, and I will be there today to try one of the stuffed ones.
The deal gets even better. If you bought something with the spice that sounded good and it turned out to be disgusting, then bring that item in for a free pumpkin spice donut.
Popeyes runs out of its chicken sandwich |
August 27th, 2019 under Fast Food. [ Comments: none ]
Last week, people pondered who has the better chicken sandwich, Popeyes or Chick-fil-A. Today, we have our answer. Popeyes does. That is because they are sold out and not available anywhere.
However, they will be back. To find out when download their app for updates.
Now, that they are not available. I want one and I want it now. Dang it, why didn’t I get one when they were still in stock.
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