We are used to seeing twins that look identical, and some that don’t even look like they are related. They are as similar as Danny DeVito and Arnold Schwarzenegger were in that movie. What was it called?
Anyways, recently on Family Feud, there were two brothers on the show, and Steve Harvey said that they are twins. However, looking at Nathan and Ronald Gibson, you might think he is lying. Would have known they came out of their mother on the same day if the host didn’t tell you that they did?
Family Feud had an interesting question for the show’s contestants. Steve Harvey wanted to know, “Name something a man might do if his boobs were bigger than his wife’s?”
I think most of us automatically thought with two men about to buzz in that they would say feel themselves up. We were wrong. Instead, the first guy said, “wear a bra,” and the second one went with “get an operation.” The latter one was the #1 answer. The third person suggested that he would start working out.
What is wrong with these families? Finally, the answer we have been waiting for comes from Rebekah, who tells the host, “It might be more entertaining, so maybe play with them.” The fourth person to guess with an answer that turned out to be fourth on the board. What is wrong with the people that they surveyed. That is the #1 answer if ever there was one.
That was not the only travesty. There were two other answers that they gave, which were not on the board. Those answers are dressing like a woman and getting his wife bigger boobs.
I am so disappointed that the people they asked to answer that question in public failed us. We need to be more perverted because after all this is a family show.
Now that Steve Harvey and his wife, Marjorie, are spending a lot of time together due to Coronavirus, they are getting on each other nerves. You can say they are having a family feud.
He wants to have people over and order food in, and she won’t let him do either. The Mrs. won’t even let him smoke one of his precious cigars in the house. I can’t say I blame her on any of the above, she is trying to keep them safe.
When it comes to the last thing on her list, he was 100% wrong for ignoring her request. Which makes me wonder if their marriage is getting the kiss of death.
Nah, couples, who fight like that, have more passion in their relationship. I bet they had a lot of fun making up after he was done with his stogie.
The Fast Money round on Family Feud can go one of two ways. If you and a teammate get 200 points, then you win $10,000. If you don’t, then you get $5 for each point you scored.
Most of the time, it is a team effort. However, sometimes one teammate does all the work. Case in point, Lamont scored 187 points in his round. Therefore, it should be easy for Robert to score the remaining 13 points. It wasn’t. So much so, I don’t think the Allen family will be letting Santa Claus in their house for Christmas.
How could not one person say that Santa Claus is the best part of Christmas? I love Santa! I mean without him, who would give us the gifts we love so much? And how was family the #1 answer over presents? Who wants to see their family on the holiday? Especially the ones who give crappy gifts.
Aleisha Gilliam joined her family on Family Feud, and she got the surprise of a lifetime. When Steve Harvey was chatting with her, he asked her if she was married. She told the host she is waiting for her man to pop the question. She explained to him she knows it is happening, but she just does not know when.
That is when Harvey brought her to the center stage and her boyfriend walked out. Timothy Olatunde held both of her hands and said to her, “Suprise!” Then he added, “I am here today, on national television, in front of all of these people, asking you if you would do me the honor of lighting up my life, for the rest of my life.” With that, he got down on one knee and popped the question.
Did she say yes? Of course, she did because she knew it was coming. In fact, they got married in Belize less than three months after their special episode aired.
Did she win the money, he told her to win to pay for that wedding? Her family did not make it to the final round. However, she got something much better. A husband who is a doctor!