This Family Feud answer will have you crying…with laughter!!! |
December 2nd, 2013 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]
Steve Harvey asked the contestants on Family Feud, “Name something that might cause a sensitive man to cry?” Well when he got to Don, he got an answer he never ever would’ve expected. That answer was “Can’t get an erection?” The response was so surprising to the host, he almost lost his balance as Don covered his blushing face in shame. Then once Harvey was able to stand up again, he said, “I love this!” and he was not alone. Don has nothing to be ashamed of because that’s one of the best answers ever given on the game show that has gotten so much better under Harvey’s reign!
When it comes to was his answer on the board, sadly it was not. That remaining answer better have been what happens 9 months after a man gets a successful erection, if you know what I mean!!!
Honey Boo Boo’s family stuns Family Feud tonight! |
November 11th, 2013 under Honey Boo Boo, Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]
Honey Boo Boo and her family are going to play the Cake Boss family on Family Feud tonight and our favorite family from Georgia left Steve Harvey speechless.
Recently when I was on a conference call with Harvey, and I wanted to know more about their appearance on the show. The host said, “Well, I mean, the answers were stunning.” Then he elaborated with, “They give you honest answers of their life, but it’s stuff you can’t imagine. It’s just stuff that you can’t even think along those lines, like, one of the questions was, ‘Name something that you have to remind your children or tell your children not to pick at,’ and you know, your other siblings, the bully at school, your nose, you think these are the regular answers. Well, when I got over there to them, Honey Boo Boo’s momma’s answer to that question was ‘toe jam.’ Now, who the … has to ask their children not to pick at toe jam?”
This wasn’t the only thing that came out of their mouths that surprised him because he added, “it was really just some amazing answers they gave.” So to find out what one of a kind answers they give on the game show, check your local listings to see when Family Feud airs tonight in your area. I know I am ready holla!
Steve Harvey’s shock and awe interveiwing Honey Boo Boo’s family! |
November 6th, 2013 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+, Honey Boo Boo, Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]
On Friday, Honey Boo Boo and her family are going to be on Steve Harvey‘s talk show and his face says it all. While Mama June was talking about Pumpkin’s dating habits, Anna raised her hand to let everyone know she was going to fart and then she did. After we heard that familiar sound, her younger sister, Chubbs, decided to let the host know that she was farting the whole time they were filming the Family Feud episode that is going to air this Monday. As all of this was going on, Honey Boo Boo and Pumpkin were on their best behavior unlike their older sisters and their dad, Sugar Bear, held his head down in shame.
So after watching this short little preview from Harvey’s talk show, you can see why he said on recent conference call that they left him speechless. While they leave him with his mouth wide open, they leave me with a huge smile on my face.
I can’t wait to watch them on his show this Friday and Family Feud on Monday.
Honey Boo Boo and her family left Steve Harvey speechless! |
November 5th, 2013 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+, Honey Boo Boo, Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]
Honey Boo Boo and her whole family are going to take the Cake Boss family this Monday on the Family Feud and you are not going to want to miss this epic episode. It was such a stand out show that it really left an impression on Steve Harvey. Recently I was on a conference call with the host and he told us what it was like to have them on the popular game show. When asked what his favorite moment of the new season was, he said “I can’t say that it’s one of my favorite moments, but I’ll say one of my most alarming moments of the new coming season was we did one celebrity show with Honey Boo Boo’s family on there, and God have mercy.” Then he added, “No, I just did not know. I did not know that there were people really like that. I didn’t know. I didn’t know. I hadn’t met any, especially on TV, so Honey Boo Boo’s family was alarming.”
They really got to him because he shared with us, “I mean it had me off balance the whole day, because I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know. Very, very rarely am I speechless, but they had me couple of times going Wow. Wow, man. These people right here, they’re different. They are truly, truly different.” So it must be one of the most amazing episodes of the game show’s decades long run if it left him speechless because nothing ever silences him. He always has a witty comeback, but it looks like he finally met the 6 people who left him dumbfounded.
So to see the one of kind episode, check your local listings to see when Family Feud airs in your city on Monday.
Steve Harvey sings about getting bigger boobs on Family Feud! |
October 31st, 2013 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]
Family Feud asks some interesting questions and they get some interesting answers because of that. Well not only did Janeta have the perfect answer, she also has the perfect way to tell Steve Harvey what she would ask a Fairy Godmother to double of hers! Of course, it would be her breasts, but that response is quite boring because that answer has been given before on the show many many times. But how many contestants sing their answer. Yeah, not many, if any at all.
Well Janeta wowed us with her voice, but didn’t wow the host with her lyrics. So Harvey came up with his own and I think it should be released as a single ASAP. I think there are plenty of people who would buy it if it was available on iTunes today. Right?
So tune into Family Feud today and every weekday to see what other outrageous things Steve Harvey will do with the contestants on the popular game show.
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