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Steve Harvey talks about the new male birth control device
February 8th, 2016 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: 1 ]

There is a new birth control implant that men can get in their scrotum that stops the flow of sperm. The device was created by a carpenter and it works with the push of a button. We can’t get a man to put on condom, how can we trust him to push the button. Although, as a woman, I know how to push all of a man’s buttons!!!
Now back to the device, I didn’t know about it until Steve Harvey talked about it on his daytime talk show. Being a man, the concept of putting a button in his scrotum made him very uncomfortable. Kind of like women watching that Doritos commercial during the Super Bowl.


Family Feud is looking for trouble with this question!
January 28th, 2016 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Family Feud asked on 100 men, “You kiss a woman’s cheek on the first date. Where do you kiss her on the third?” Rod Stowers anxiously buzzed in and said, “On the lips!” When that answer was the #1 answer on the board, he did a happy handshake with his brother. Even though, that is not the lips I get kissed on a third date, but that is for another post!
Rod’s sister Letitia, is a lot like me. When Steve Harvey asked her the question, she said, “Breastesess!” Yes, it was on the board! Although, I think that is a second date thing, but some girls like to wait until the third.
Was the other lips on the board? I don’t know! I also don’t know if a$$ was on there, but that you men must start kissing before you even get to the lips above the equator. That is if you want to get to everything in between.


This is how Miss Colombia should’ve greeted Steve Harvey!
January 26th, 2016 under Ellen DeGeneres, Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

As we know, Steve Harvey accidentally announced that Miss Colombia won Miss Universe instead of Miss Philippines and because of that she thought she won the crown for a minute.
Well, last week the loser confronted him on his show, and yet she was very civil to him. Ellen DeGeneres and I disagreed with her reaction and the female daytime host made a video showing how the runner-up should’ve greeted the Family Feud host.
It might not be the real thing, but it is pretty gosh darn close.


Someone guessed the C-Word on Family Feud!!!
January 21st, 2016 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Harvey asked the contestants, “Name something that men love to discuss that starts with the letter ‘c’?” First he asked Anthony and he said, “camping.” That answer was not on the board. Then he asked Father Matt and he said, “corny.” Again the answer was not on the board.
Now it was time for Mark; and the host was basically just daring him to go there when he said to him, “Now listen to me, if you say anything remotely close to corn or camping, I swear to Gd, I am going to slap you as hard as I can.” So what else could he do? Mark went the complete opposite way when he guessed, “Well, my wife is not going to say it, but guys like to talk about c^nts.” Then he added, “I had to take it for the family. Someone had to say it. I had to take it for the family. It is just embarrassing to say.” What makes it even funnier and more embarrassing for him, is that he was standing next to a man in a collar as he said it. And Father Matt just stood there, clapped and laughed because what else could he do.
When it comes to Harvey, he didn’t stand there and wait to see if the Nathan Family got their third strike. He walked over to the other family to ask if the C-Word was on the board. Sadly, it was not. But who cares, someone actually guess the C-Word on Family Feud!!!
I so love this show because you never ever know what they are going to say.


Gotta love when dildo is an answer on Family Feud!
January 21st, 2016 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: 1 ]

Steve Harvey asked the contestants on Family Feud, “Name something a man sees his wife buy that makes him nervous?” When he got to Wesley, the contestant couldn’t wait to say, “dildo,” with a huge mischievous smile on his face. As soon as Harvey heard the answer, he just stood there in shock and Wesley loved every second of it. Then it was time for the game show host to see if the answer was on the board, so in his best high pitched, whisper voice he said, “a dildo!” Sadly, it was not up there, but it should’ve been. You never know what or who she might be using it for/on.
It isn’t only the answer that was so great, it was how cute Wesley looked as and after he gave it.


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