Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Steve Harvey
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Do men’s balls bounce?
May 19th, 2016 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: 1 ]

Family Feud asked the contestants, “Name a type of ball that doesn’t bounce?” Nicki guessed, “Well, I’m going to go there and say maybe men’ssss private parts.” Steve Harvey responded in his own special way by jumping up and down to see if they do. His conclusion is the same as most and they do. I mean hasn’t Nicki and the 6 other people who agreed with that answer seen a p0rn? Those things bounce like crazy, they bounce and bounce and bounce. If they haven’t seen a p0rn then haven’t they had sex to know the feeling of them bouncing against you. They just don’t hit the floor and lie their like a bowling, billiard or golf ball.


The embarrassing things people admit on Family Feud!
May 16th, 2016 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Harvey asked the contestants on Family Feud, “We asked 100 men, fill in the blank, every girl I meet tells me I’m what?” Without hesitation Joe buzzed in and screamed out, “Smelly!” The way he was so quick to answer that, you have to assume it is true for him. Sadly though, he admitted that on national television for no reason at all because it was not the board.


Is this one of the weirdest answers on Family Feud?
April 19th, 2016 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Family Feud has had a lot of strange answers on the show, and this might be the strangest one of them all. Steve Harvey asked the contestants, “Name something that people tie up?”
After the two people at the Face Off did not guess an answer that was one the board, it was time to go to the families to see if they could to be better.
Something the host would quickly regret when he asked Kashyap for the answer. He proudly said, “Criminals to a railroad track.” What? Someone has been watching way too many Silent Movies because no one else would’ve guessed that answer. Was it up there? The game show judges stretched it to give it to him. How? They had, “People/Kinky Lover,” up there. It was not the #1 answer. Which is shocking because the only thing I tie up is my lover to the bed. Who are those 29 people who tie their shoes over the partner? What’s up with that?


We know where this Family Feud’s contestant’s mind was!
April 14th, 2016 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Harvey asked Dana, “Name a word that starts with the sound Pee?” Without hesitation she guessed, “Penis,” with confidence. The Family Feud host then asked her, “Who the person in the mall gonna say that?” I am that person at that mall who is going to say that! I always have penises on my mind. So if they would’ve asked me, that is what I would’ve said. But alas, there was no one at the mall that day like me, so sadly that answer wasn’t on the board.
I can’t think of any other answer that would be up there. Peace out.


When Doggy Style is a perfectly good answer on Family Feud!
March 21st, 2016 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Family Feud asked 100 people, “Name one thing people do to imitate a dog?” Big Jim was convinced he knew the last answer on the board. Therefore he told Steve Harvey, “I probably shouldn’t say this with my kids here, but how about Doggy Style?”
After the host checked to make sure that his three sons were OK with what their dad just said, he wanted to see if that position, I mean, answer was on the board. Sadly, the 100 people surveyed need to broaden what they do in bed. Maybe if they did that would’ve been up there. I know that is the #1 way I imitate a dog. Well actually #2, I am #1 at being a B!tch.


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