Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Eddie Murphy
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Eddie Murphy is the daddy
June 22nd, 2007 under Eddie Murphy, Spice Girls. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from Daily Mail
Scary Spice says the results are in and Eddie Murphy is that daddy according to People. A source said, "He's the baby's father, it's official. The baby is undoubtedly, 110 percent his." They added, "There was no doubt in people's minds anyways, least of all hers. It wasn't a surprise to her. She knew all along." 
Her people confirm it, while his people have nothing to say. I thought she said she was going to take it to TV, not as fun reading it as compared to seeing it. I guess she is just too busy getting ready for the Spice Girls reunion aannouncement next Thursday.  

Even a fake clown is funnier than Eddie Murphy
June 22nd, 2007 under Eddie Murphy. [ Comments: none ]

But after seeing Eddie Murphy's last few comedies it is not that hard for anything to be funnier than him even a fake clown. 

Do you think she looks like Eddie Murphy?
June 12th, 2007 under Eddie Murphy, Spice Girls. [ Comments: none ]

I still can't tell if she looks like Eddie Murphy, but looks like we won't have to wait much longer to find out because that was them going for a paternity test yesterday. 

Scary Spice is taking on Eddie Murphy
April 11th, 2007 under Eddie Murphy, Spice Girls. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from The Sun
Scary Spice put Eddie Murphy's name down as the father of her daughter on Fortuna Daphne Bay's birth certificate. According to ISE she is not stopping there, she has hired a lawyer and is taking him to court to prove that he is that father of Fortuna, "Mel has no doubt Eddie is the father and she wanted to make the point." Even though Scary is taking him to court, she does not want him to be part of her babies life,"She doesn't want him involved because he has hurt her too much. She just feels that he will have to accept responsibility at some point and there was no need for him to be so dismissive of their relationship." If Eddie is the father of her baby, she chose a perfect name for her daughter because she will get a fortuna from Eddie Murphy.

Scary Spice gave birth
April 3rd, 2007 under Eddie Murphy. [ Comments: none ]

Scary Spice had a baby girl shortly after midnight. The little Spice Girl weighed 5 pounds, 6 ounces according to Us Weekly. "It was an easy birth,” a source told Us Weekly. “The baby’s light-skinned and beautiful. Mel is thrilled!"

So what name was placed on the Birth Certificate as father, well until the DNA test is taken it will remain blank.

So did Mel B call Birthday Boy, Eddie Murphy to tell him about the baby that is most likely his,  “Mel said, ‘He can read about it.’”

I personally think she send him some birthday flowers with a card that says, "Happy Birthday, my present to you is another daughter!, Love, Mel B"



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