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Dr. Phil doesn’t want to be your daddy
September 10th, 2020 under Dr Phil. [ Comments: 1 ]


##YouHaveTo stop calling me “daddy.” I ain’t ya daddy.

♬ you have to stop supporting trump – hannah_harpist

Dr. Phil took to TikTok with a very important message to his commenters. He says, “You have to stop commenting daddy on all of my posts. I ain’t your daddy. I hate to break it to you, but I ain’t your daddy. And your real daddy is probably getting his feelings hurt.” Then he added, “I appreciate the support. It is a little weird. But I do appreciate the support.”

Who would call him daddy? I would consider him for a sugar daddy, as long as there is no sex involved. I mean, did anyone else get the creepy vibe from this video?

Do you call him daddy?


How do you like Dr. Phil without a mustache?
April 2nd, 2019 under Dr Phil. [ Comments: 3 ]

We only know Dr. Phil with a mustache, so what does he look like without one? Yesterday, he showed us. He decided to shave it off on April Fool’s Day. Or did he?

While he tricked us into thinking he did it, but he didn’t do. However, we still got a glimpse if he did do it and it is a good thing he didn’t. He says he looks like an aardvark. I think he looks like creepy Bob Newhart. What do you think his hairless face looks like?

BTW I think we should all prank him back and tell he looks really sexy without the stache, so he will shave it for real. Then when he does, we tell him April Fool’s. Who is with me?


Good Charlotte turns bad with Dr. Phil
September 14th, 2018 under Dr Phil, Good Charlotte, James Corden. [ Comments: none ]

James Corden came up with a brilliant plan to have Dr. Phil perform with Good Charlotte. Therefore, they rehearsed together and performed Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous as a group on The Late Late Show yesterday.

How did it go? Let’s just say we will all need to see a therapist after that because it has emotionally scarred us for life. And it needs to be any other psychologist but Dr. Phil because he broke the Hippocratic Oath’s first rule. Do no harm. My ears are ringing and I know it is not because someone is talking about me for one. It is because of the television doctor’s singing voice.


No bull about it, Michael Weatherly is morphing into Dr Phil
June 19th, 2017 under Dr Phil, Michael Weatherly. [ Comments: none ]

Not only does Michael Weatherly play Dr Phil in Bull, he is now copying his look. The actor debuted a mustache that looks a lot like the daytime talk show host he portrays. At this rate, he will be balding by the time they go back into production of the CBS later this summer.

When it is comes to the stache, we need DiNozzio back if you know what mean.


Bull is just what the Dr Phil ordered
September 20th, 2016 under Dr Phil, Michael Weatherly. [ Comments: none ]

Before Dr Phil was the man we know today, he consulted on cases and helped lawyers find the perfect jury. Tonight at 9p on CBS, we are going to see his story loosely told on Bull. When he looks in the mirror, I guess he sees Michael Weatherly because that is who he cast as himself on the legal procedural.
Each week, not only will Bull analyze the jury, he will also analyze everyone in the courtroom. By doing, you will see the different techniques he uses to determine who will find his client guilty or innocent and if his client his guilty or innocent.
On the series premiere, a very wealthy boy is accused of his killing the girl he has been sleeping with. As we know, people don’t like the extremely rich and love to take them down. But it is up to Bull to save this teen from jail. Bull will get to know so him well, the consultant will know the kid even better than he knows himself.
Bull is a different twist on procedurals and legal dramas and it has something everyone can enjoy.


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