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Is this how Republicans have a penis measuring contest?
April 12th, 2018 under Donald Trump. [ Comments: 2 ]

Yesterday, several high-ranking Republican congressional members met with the president and vice president in the White House and gave us a thumbs up. Turns out all but one of them have really short thumbs with Donald Trump’s being the shortest…as we know. You know what they say, about thumb size and we all know that is true. Which makes you wonder if Paul Ryan’s thumb was always that long or did it suddenly sprout up when he announced his, much-welcomed, retirement.

Now if only there were Democrats there, all of those pictured thumbs would all fail in comparison…by a lot.


Roseanne does not know how to spell her character’s last name!
March 29th, 2018 under Donald Trump, Roseanne. [ Comments: 2 ]

Even though Roseanne has been playing her character for 30 years now, yet she still does not know how to spell her character’s last name correctly. Yesterday, when she tweeted John Goodman’s response to their outstanding ratings, she made yuge typo. She spelled their last name as Connor, but it is really Conner. Whoops. Typical Trump supporter, spelling does not matter!

On that note, Donald Trump took time out of his unproductive schedule to call her and congratulate her on the yuge ratings. Today on Good Morning America, she described the call. She said, “It’s pretty exciting. They said, ‘Hold please for the President of America.’ You know that is the most exciting thing ever. It was very, you know, sweet of him.” Then when he got on the phone they had a private conversation and talked about a lot of things. He did make time to tell her that he is happy for her.

Then she told the George Stephanopoulos, “I’ve known him for many years and he’s done a lot of nice things for me over the years. It was just a friendly conversation about work and television and ratings.” Then she added, “He really understands ratings and how they measure things.” Don’t tell her he does not really know ratings. He always said The Apprentice was always the #1 show and it was not.

And don’t tell him or his supporters, the show swings more to the left than the right. Much more.

BTW I wonder if during that conversation she asked to appear on the sitcom next season. No, it has not picked up for season 2, but the decision is imminent.


Omarosa gives us an image of Donald Trump we did not need
March 28th, 2018 under Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

Ever since Omarosa left the White House, she has not stopped talking about the man that fired her 4 times. Now she is talking to the AP and confirming something we expected, but did not want to know.

She told the AP about his early morning Tweets, “He’s up in his underwear or something at 4 in the morning. Who’s going to monitor that?” Then she adds, “Remember, the bad tweets happen between 4 and 6 in the morning. Ain’t nobody up there but Melania” She also says that yuge diamond ring on the First Lady’s finger is why she thinks she does not say about the man she married.

Now back to that Donald Trump image, you cannot blame his staff for not wanting to go in and see that. I am surprised all the women who have been claiming they have willing seen it. I just picture a huge pinkish Jabba the Hut with a phone in his hand. So grossed out.


Stormy Daniels talks about spanking Donald Trump’s yuge butt!
March 25th, 2018 under Anderson Cooper, Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

Vanilla Anderson Cooper’s much hyped interview tonight on 60 Minutes was a let down, and it was not Stormy Daniel’s fault. Although she did give us some juicy details. Like she was not attracted to Donald Trump but she slept with him anyways. Once was enough because that was the only time they had sex.

Before they did the deed that changed her life forever, she spanked him with a magazine that he was on the cover. He was bragging about how he was featured in the magazine, so she said to him, “Someone should take that magazine and spank you with it.” He was shocked then he pulled down his pants and she whacked him a few times. Kind of like what he was going to do to her later, a few whacks.

I am sorry for all that she has gone through because of that night, but I am glad we are getting to know her. She is actually really funny and needs to crossover to sexless comedies.

Now I am off to pray that the spanking incident does not play a part in my dreams tonight.


Karen McDougal on the 10 month affair she said she had with Donald Trump
March 22nd, 2018 under Anderson Cooper, Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

Back when Melania Trump was home nursing her newborn son, 2 women have said that they were having an affair with her husband. Stormy Daniels is going to tell her story to Anderson Cooper this Sunday on 60 Minutes, but Karen McDougal told hers to him tonight on CNN.

For an hour, she sat down with the anchor and told him how they met, how they carried out their affair, why she called it off and how her life has been since then. The two met when he filmed an episode of Celebrity Apprentice at the Playboy Mansion and she was a Playmate. They hit it off and he got her number. Next time he was in LA, she says he called her and they had a date alone in his bungalow. When she was got ready to leave, he offered to pay her. She was hurt that he thought that she was that type of girl and he told her she was special for not taking the money. Something Daniels also said happened on their first date.

She did not think she would hear from him again, but she did. For the next 10 months, she flew all over the US to be with him. She did feel guilty being with him because he was married, but she says they loved each other and he told her that all the time.

She was always afraid of it getting out and after 10 months of feeling guilty, so she broke it off with him. Since their affair ended, she did not think of talking about it to anyone. In 2011, she was being harassed by a few reporters, but denied the affair.

Then in 2016 when Trump was running for president, her friend was hinting about the affair publicly. At that point she realized she had to come forward and tell her story. She got a lawyer and he started to shop her story around. Even though she did not really want it to get out there. She says AMI was interested, but then dropped out. She was all ready to give ABC her story for free, but cold feet. When he got the nomination, AMI was interested again. She says they offered heath columns for her life story. They never kept their end of their bargain. Thus why she is talking to Cooper.

When it comes if she voted for him, she did because she is a die hard Republican. She is not coming forward now to ruin the president’s career, she does not want to ruin his life or her own.

She says she is different person now, she has gone back to her roots and her faith. She is coming forward now to get her truth out there and stand up for herself. She is not proud of what happened.

She has no regrets about her affair with him, except that he was married. She says he was always good to her. When it comes to Melania, she teared up as she told his wife, “I’m sorry.”

When it comes to how I feel about her interview, I believe her but I don’t have compassion for her. Not because she had an affair with married man, but she does not come off as sympathetic or likable. What did you think of the interview?


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