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Donald Trump is such a 💩, that toilet paper sticks to him!
October 5th, 2018 under Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]
Yesterday as Donald Trump was boarding Air Force One, it was obvious he recently took a #2. That is because there was a piece of toilet paper stuck to his shoe. Which makes you wonder what type of a mess is his bathroom because why else would there be TP on the floor? We know it is not Melania’s fault because she is out of the country. Therefore, it is all on him. Thus, why it stuck to him.


Stormy Daniels picks out Donald Trump’s pen!s in a mushroom lineup!
October 3rd, 2018 under Donald Trump, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

The last time that Stormy Daniels was on Jimmy Kimmel Live she could not say much. A lot has changed since then and now she can talk about it. Yesterday, she kissed and told, and we know more than we ever wanted to. Way more!

She might be a p0rn star, but she is very witty. In fact, she one-upped the ABC host throughout the whole interview. Which could explain why she spanked his butt with her book. Well, that and recreating the moment when she punished Donald Trump with a magazine that had his face on the cover.

Going from his big head to his little one, Kimmel also made a display with several mushrooms of different sizes on a board. The reason is that she described his Cheeto as a mushroom in her book. The host wanted to know which one was the closest to the real thing. It was not the smallest, but it was pretty close. One that seems to explain why he is the way he is.

And with that, we all need a shower.


Stormy Daniels just ruined Mario Kart and mushrooms forever
September 18th, 2018 under Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

Ever since Stormy Daniels said she was willing to describe Donald Trump’s stump, I have wanted her to do it. Now that she has, I wish she didn’t.

The Guardian got their hands on her upcuming memoir Full Disclosure and she tells all in the tell all. Before we get to the horrifying part, she says he has a small pen!s, but “not freakishly small.”

OK, that we can handle, but I was just easing it in for you. She then goes on to say, “He knows he has an unusual pen!s. It has a huge mushroom head. Like a toadstool…

“I lay there, annoyed that I was getting f*cked by a guy with Yeti pubes and a d!ck like the mushroom character in Mario Kart…

“It may have been the least impressive sex I’d ever had, but clearly, he didn’t share that opinion.”

Part of me cannot wait to see his tweet denying it, but a bigger part of me wishes I can scrub that image out of my head. Make it go away.


Stormy Daniels pretty much says Donald Trump is a wham, bam man
August 28th, 2018 under Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

Stormy Daniels sat down with Vogue and they asked her for details about her night with Donald Trump. She told them, “How many details can you really give about two minutes?” Then she added, “Maybe. I’m being generous.”

Is this reveal shocking? Not really, but then again how many of us thought he would last that long? Talking about long, when are we going to find out from her how short he is? I cannot be the only who wants to know.

I mean, am I the only who thinks he is overcompensating for it with his actions and long tie?


Kim Kardashian was naked when Donald Trump called about the pardon
July 31st, 2018 under Donald Trump, Jimmy Kimmel, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

Remember a few weeks ago, when Kim Kardashian went to the White House to meet Donald Trump. Well, yesterday she gave all the juicy details about their conversations to Jimmy Kimmel.

She said that when she walked into the Oval Office, her first words to him were, “Holy sh!t, we’re in the f*cking Oval Office.” Keeping it classy, of course. Then the two talked about unfair prison sentences and pardoning Alice Johnson.

A week later, as we know, he pardoned her, and he called Kardashian to tell her the good news. She was at a photoshoot at the time. One, that required her to be naked, of course, and she told them to get a robe. Personally, she would have gotten more out of him if she told him that. We know that is what he likes.

Anyways, she said she was the first one to tell Johnson the news, and they both were crying. Although, she had to hold back the tears because she did not want to ruin her makeup.

Since she gotJohnson freed, she gets a stack of letters from people asking her to help them out.

When it comes to Kanye West’s love for Trump. She explained he liked how he got into office, but he does not follow politics. Maybe if he did, then he would understand why he should change his opinion.

And I just wasted a whole post on this. Previous presidents got the best of the best celebrities to join them at 1600 Penn. This one gets Kimye and that is enough to show how awful this administration is.


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