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Denis Leary wins the #DollyPartonChallenge!
January 23rd, 2020 under Denis Leary, Dolly Parton. [ Comments: none ]

Earlier this week, Dolly Parton posted a photo with four different looks. One each for LinkedIn, Facebook, Instragram and Tinder. Since then several celebrites and non-celebs have done their take on the #DollyChallenge.

However, no one did it as brilliantly as Denis Leary. Instead, of using four photos of himself, he used images of the stars he is often mistaken for like Kevin Bacon, Jane Lynch, Willem Dafoe, and Lauren Hutton. I would like to see someone to top it. It will be impossible.

If you missed the post that started it all, then click here!


Dolly Parton reveals how she got her big boobs!
November 21st, 2019 under Dolly Parton, Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]
Dolly Parton is known for her big voice and her even bigger boobs. Yesterday, when she was on The Tonight Show, she told Jimmy Fallon how she got them. That’s right, they have their own story.

Watch the full interview to hear how she got her famous assets. All I will tell you is that International House of Pancakes is involved from taking her flat pancakes to a full stack!


Dolly Parton says she is no longer working 9 to 5
October 31st, 2019 under Dolly Parton. [ Comments: none ]

A few years ago, there were rumors that we were going to get a sequel to 9 to 5 with Dolly Parton, Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda. Well, when Entertainment Tonight caught up with the Country Queen, they asked her for an update on the film. The reporter was expecting a raise, but instead, she got a pink slip.

Parton said, “Well, actually I think we’ve dropped that whole idea…I don’t think we’re going to do the sequel. We never could get the script where it was enough different than the first one, and that one turned out so good.”

Before you shed a tear like I did, Parton then added, “We’re thinking we might do a completely different thing together though.”

You know what, after waiting almost 40 years for the sequel, I am OK with them working together on something else. As long as they are working together again!


I don’t think Dolly Parton’s husband is going to like this interview!
December 1st, 2018 under Dolly Parton, Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]

Earlier this week, Dolly Parton told People Magazine the secret to her marriage of 52 years. Hopefully, Carl was not up watching her last night because they might not make it to 53.

The singer was on The Tonight Show yesterday and she told Jimmy Fallon that her husband has a big old crush on Jennifer Aniston. In fact, she thinks he would love that have a three-way with her. It won’t happen because she added, “I mean, he can’t even get it out to pee, much less get up for three.”

After being married to a woman as beautiful and lovable as her for over half a century, do you blame little Carl for being too tired to do anything? He has earned his retirement.


Dolly Parton working 3 to 7a!
November 30th, 2018 under Dolly Parton. [ Comments: none ]

Dolly Parton is known for singing 9 to 5, but in real life she works from 3a to 7a. She told the Today show today, she wakes up at 3a, prays, gets out of bed and goes to work.

The beloved singer says, “I do more work between 3 and 7 than most people do all day!” As she explains it is quiet and everyone is asleep but her who is full of energy.

Maybe she and Mark Wahlberg could start a club together for celebrities who wake up way too early in the morning and work.


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