Fresh Hoff of Bel-Air! |
November 11th, 2013 under David Hasselhoff/Baywatch. [ Comments: none ]
via People
Some guy named Matthijs Vlot took bits and pieces from David Hasselhoff’s two biggest shows, Baywatch and Knight Rider, to recreate the theme to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and what we got is Hoff the chain! So much so, I want the Michael Knight to release an album of TV Themes. Can you imagine him singing the opening songs to Friends, The Jeffersons and Laverne & Shirley to name a few. It would be Hoffrageous!
A Baywatch reunion! |
October 7th, 2013 under David Hasselhoff/Baywatch, Nicole Eggert. [ Comments: none ]

David Hasselhoff was reunited with his Baywatch lifeguards over the weekend at The Hollywood Show and it is so awesome to see them all together again. Seriously seeing Mitch Buchannon with Brande Roderick, David Chokachi, Donna D’Errico, Erica Eleniak, Gena Lee Nolin, Jaason Simmons, Nicole Eggert, Traci Bingham and Parker Stevenson together like that, makes me wish that they do a reunion movie ASAP. Wouldn’t you watch if they did one?
David Hasselhoff will take it all Hoff for a ride! |
May 28th, 2013 under David Hasselhoff/Baywatch. [ Comments: none ]

David Hasselhoff Tweeted this picture of himself in Italy looking for a ride in the rain and now I get what my parents were talking about when they warned me about hitchhikers. Although I have to admit I would probably ignore their advice if I saw him like that. Us ladies show some leg to get picked up by a stranger while he shows a lot of chest hair for that ride!
BTW I wonder what KITT would do if he saw Michael Knight standing there like that? Let’s be real we all know what he would do, he’d put the pedal to the metal.
David Hasselhoff will autograph you anywhere you want! |
September 17th, 2012 under David Hasselhoff/Baywatch. [ Comments: none ]

David Hasselhoff is so popular around the world that almost everyone wants his autograph. While most people will give him a piece of paper to sign, a magazine or maybe one of his albums, a woman recently had him leave his mark in a place I have never seen a celeb do it before. She had him sign her butt and instead of him feeling like an a$$ by doing so, he was more than willing to oblige and pose with his handwritten name.
I never understand why people ask celebrities to sign their bodies because it is only going to come off with time. Unless you get a tattoo from the autograph, but who would want to have David Hasselhoff’s name permanently on their bum? I bet you a penny that woman couldn’t wait to go home and wash it Hoff. (Sorry, I had to)
Now when it comes to The Hoff, gotta love him for doing whatever is asked of him! You know he loved doing it as much as she liked getting it.
BTW is anyone else besides me bummed his name isn’t Jack…
Do David Hasselhoff and Donny Osmond have something to tell us? |
August 17th, 2012 under David Hasselhoff/Baywatch, Do they have something to tell us?, The Osmonds, This Morning. [ Comments: 1 ]

David Hasselhoff was a guest on ITV’s This Morning and Donny Osmond decided to surprise his old friend. The better half of Donny and Marie ran on to the stage, lied down on The Hoff’s lap and asked him to sign his hand. Of course the Baywatch lifeguard complied and now the two of them have even more Puppy Love for each other.
Even though there really isn’t anything going on between the two, a lot of middle aged women wish there was!
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