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Watch Odette Annable get plastered!
August 10th, 2017 under Dave and Odette Annable, DC Comics. [ Comments: none ]

A post shared by @odetteannable on

Odette Annable is going to play Reign on third season of Supergirl, and she is going to have to transform into the villain. That means that the makeup department has create a mask in order to make her look like the baddy and here she is getting her head sculpted for it. You know, they say actors suffer for their work, and it looks like she is truly suffering for it. Yet, the Breaking In star does it with a smile on her face. I cannot wait to see the final product when the DC Comics’ show returns to The CW on October 9th.


Odette Annable shows the joys of traveling with a toddler
June 15th, 2017 under Dave and Odette Annable. [ Comments: none ]

Whether you have kids or not, then you know traveling with them is a nightmare. No one knows that more today than Odette and Dave Annable who traveled with their daughter Charlie. How bad was it flying with the 23 month old? The actress said this, “The only two things @dave_annable and I agreed on during the flight from hell was 1. Divorce 2. Hard alcohol. #neverflyingwithcharlieagain #maybewhenshes10 #notreallydivorcing #butseriouslyconsideredit.”

I think that perfectly sums up the hell she went through. Although, I think her face says it all. As bad as I feel for her, I have to admit I enjoy sharing in her misery! What is up with her husband looking like he is enjoying it? She should make him fly alone with their kid from now on.

BTW I just love how real and honest this couple is. So much so, someone needs to give then a talk show where they can share all with all of us!


Dave and Odette Annable’s marriage woes are a real pisser!
August 10th, 2016 under Dave and Odette Annable. [ Comments: none ]

A video posted by @odetteannable on

Dave and Odette Annable are one of Hollywood’s sweetest couples and even their fighting is cute. The Pure Genius star took their fight to Instagram and I am totally on her side.
She was pissed as she revealed her side of the story to us, “I can’t tell you how many times, I ask him to not to pee on the toilet seat. But I go in at 3 o’clock in the morning there’s pee everywhere.” Then he interrupted his wife to defend himself, “Here’s the thing, I also get yelled at if I turn the light on in the bathroom when I got to pee and your like, “Turn the light off.” Sorry Dave, you are in a lose, lose situation. She birthed your baby so you need to work on your aim!
Then she brought up a good point, without being pissy, on why he needs to do that, “The problem is when is it going to stop because my ass was completely red.” All he could say was, “I don’t know if it will ever stop to be honest with you.” But then he realized how bad that sounded and said, “Nah, I should work on it.”
He should because couples have gotten divorced for that very reason and I don’t want them to break up. They are too perfect to let a little piss get between them. Especially as he gets older, it will become a lot of pee pee!
But seriously, didn’t this couples therapy video give you all types of feels?


Did Jessica Simpson and Odette Annable swap husbands?
February 19th, 2016 under Dave and Odette Annable, Do they have something to tell us?, Jessica Simpson. [ Comments: none ]

Dave and Odette Annable, and Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson hung out recently and the two of them swapped husbands for this photo. Was it only for a freeze frame? Mrs Annable said, “Husband swap,” so we don’t know. I mean if I were her, I wouldn’t get rid of the Heartbeat star for anything. Not only is he cute as all heck, but he also appears to be a very loving father. So I think it was just for this fun photo.


Dave Annable uses his Jedi powers to get his daughter to sleep!
December 21st, 2015 under Dave and Odette Annable. [ Comments: none ]

A video posted by Dave Annable (@dave_annable) on

Dave Annable loves being a father to his daughter, Charlie Mae, and he also Star Wars. So he combined those two loves to get his 3 month old to fall asleep. He used the force and sleep she did. Then he made a mistake and used it again. Oh well, better luck next time!
Seriously though, I love how hands on he is as a dad. It makes the good looking actor, even hotter! Who doesn’t love a dad who dotes over his baby girl!


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