Chris Daughtry made a Cameo on Family Guy |
November 14th, 2023 under Daughtry, Seth MacFarlane. [ Comments: none ]
Yesterday on Family Guy, Peter and Lois had a big fight because he screwed up. So, he decided to make it up to her by getting her a Cameo with Chris Daughtry. And it worked. But not in the way he wanted!
I would love to know how they made this happen because it was brilliant and so unexpected.
And did they pay the singer a salary or just his Cameo fee? That is, if it wasn’t temporarily unavailable.
Is Chris Daughtry really 43? |
July 5th, 2023 under Daughtry. [ Comments: none ]
Chris Daughtry is always wearing jeans with either a tank or a t-shirt, so we never see his body. But when he is home doing yard work. He just wears short shorts.
And because he shared a photo of him doing something on his Honey-Do List, we now all know he is all muscle. Who knew? I didn’t.
And now that we know. I can’t believe the singer is 43 years old. Do you believe it?
Who knew Chris Daughtry had that toned body? |
June 25th, 2021 under Daughtry. [ Comments: none ]
When I think of Chris Daughtry, I think of him wearing a black t-shirt. Well, he took it off, and I hope he doesn’t put it back on.
The American Idol singer posted a topless photo, and who knew he looked so good without one, eight weeks after getting inguinal hernia surgery?
“Perpetually in competition with myself. No one else. My goal is to always try to be better today than I was yesterday. Make better decisions. Respond kinder. Be more compassionate. To be a better father. A better friend. A better husband.” the Rocker explained. “Some days I fail. Miserably. Flat on my face. I could choose to sit and waller in that failure and allow it to cover me head to toe dragging me into a downward spiral of self hatred. But today I choose to let those failures be my teacher. To inform my next action. My next choice. Our choices are the architects of our future.”
He might sometimes feel like he failed. However, today, he is a winner. And he will be one tomorrow, and the day after that, and so on and so on unless he puts a show back on.
I am off to get something to drink to quench my thirst after seeing this thirst trap.
Chris Daughtry with hair! |
September 30th, 2019 under Daughtry. [ Comments: none ]

Ever since we got to know Chris Daughtry on American Idol, he has been bald. Over the weekend, he found some old eyeliner and took on an alter ego he calls “Hard Marx.” I am assuming the black wig he also found, helped come up with that name. You know since the hairdo looks a lot like the one Soft Rock singer Richard Marx has on the top of his head.
I think he looks so freaking sexy with this hairstyle, he should consider doing what Garth Brooks did as Chris Gaines. Would you buy an album from Hard Marx? What type of music do you think he would sing?
Chris Daughtry’s ode to Rob Ford! |
November 20th, 2013 under Daughtry, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]
Chris Daughtry was on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday and he debuted his new song that is destined to be a hit. The American Idol has written a ballad for the Canadian Idol Mayor Rob Ford, and it is as awesome as you think it will be. So sit back and enjoy as he belt outs lyrics like “drunk-driving, crack-smoking mayor of Toronto”. If that doesn’t crack you up, I don’t know what will. I know what else might work, watching anything that Rob Ford has done recently. Those are always good for a laugh.
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