Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Conan O’Brien
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Lowe’s didn’t want to work with Rob Lowe
August 12th, 2020 under Conan O'Brien, Rob Lowe. [ Comments: none ]

You know, the meme, “How many Lowe’s would Rob Lowe rob if Rob Lowe could rob Lowe’s?” Well, when the actor saw it blow up online, he had his people call Lowe’s and see if they wanted to collaborate with him. The actor told Conan O’Brien, on his TBS show yesterday, that the home improvement store said, “We don’t really see the connection.”

I think they have been sniffing too much of their turpentine if they don’t see that connection. I can even see the commercial now. Lowe going around Lowe’s stealing things, and the slogan could be, “Our prices are so Lowe, you will feel like you are ROBbing us.” Oh well. Their loss.


This Conan O’Brien bit leaves me speechless
July 24th, 2020 under Conan O'Brien. [ Comments: none ]

Conan O’Brien is the only talk show host who still goes to places he shouldn’t in his bits, and he went there again with one that he aired on his TBS talk show yesterday.

I have been able to comment on some of his sketches like the Human Centipede Menorah, or the one when Kim Kardashian’s unborn child ran out of her uterus when it found who his mom was going to be during a sonogram. However, this latest bit is one that leaves me without something to say.

How do you respond to a used dildo being used as the Tactical Schlong? You don’t! You just say, “It is so Conan.” At least one late night host still knows how to do things that are not political and make you laugh when you should not. When did the other ones get so PG-13?

BTW where can I get the Tactical Schlong? It has two different uses for me.


The odd things Jameela Jamil can do with her body
July 10th, 2020 under Conan O'Brien, Jameela Jamil. [ Comments: none ]

Conan O’Brien was talking to Jameela Jamil on his TBS show yesterday, and she showed him things we have never seen before.

The actress does not have enough collagen in her body, so it makes her skin stretchy and joints bendy. That means she can stretch her cheeks way past her ears. We can’t do it. I know you are trying to do that, and you can’t.

Not only can the actress make her face like rubber, but she can also move her bones in a way that makes your body hurt. In fact, she claims she can kiss her own a$$. She didn’t show us that, but I believe she can do it. I wonder how long until a porn company offers her big bucks to do it for them on camera. You know there are a lot of people who will want to see her put her lips on her Good Place.

Talking about good, she also admitted she is bad at everything including sex. There goes her porn career if she needed one. Although with her trick, does she have to have sex in the movie?

Seriously, are Conan and I the only ones who want to see her kiss her a$$?


Rob Lowe reveals he won’t be playing the Tiger King after all
July 8th, 2020 under Conan O'Brien, Rob Lowe, Ryan Murphy. [ Comments: 1 ]

A few months ago, Rob Lowe shared a photo of himself dressed up as Joe Exotic. Then he revealed that he and Ryan Murphy were working on a project about the Tiger King.

That was then. Yesterday, the actor told Conan O’Brien that the movie is off. When Murphy tried the get the rights to the story, they were already taken by Nicolas Cage’s people.

Why can’t they do an Amy Fisher and let multiple retell the purrfect story?

Are you mad that Lowe and Murphy’s plan has been put in a cage?


Conan O’Brien does his show for a packed audience…of one
July 7th, 2020 under Conan O'Brien. [ Comments: none ]

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, talk show hosts are taping their shows at their homes. By the request of his family, Conan O’Brien is taking his TBS program outside of the house.

Since it is summer here in Los Angeles, he cannot do it outside. If he did, he burst into flames because he is so pale. Therefore, he is doing at the Largo At The Coronet Theater. He chose this theater because theaters all over the world are suffering. They cannot open safely due to COVID-19, so they remain shut down with no reopening date in sight. They need money, or they will never open their doors again.

Conan wanted to support a place that has been supporting him since 1986, so he brought his job to them. Since he is following the SAG/AFTRA guidelines, he is working with a skeleton crew, and he does not have an audience.

For a comedian, that is torture, so he made sure to have someone sitting in the audience. Not his family because they already changed the locks. Instead, his assistant Sona Movsesian. He is feeding off of her energy, and it shows in his monologue. Although, you would think after doing his show from his house for over two months, he would be used to the type of reception. Which it seems that he is.

Seriously, I love that he is paying back someone that paid it forward to him when he was just starting out. I hope that the NY shows are considering doing the same for Broadway because the theaters there desperately need help.


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