Cedric the Entertainer was on Conan O’Brien’s TBS show tonight and the actor says that is impossible not to dance whenever you hear Salsa music. To prove his point, he got up and asked the band to play some Salsa. As soon as they did, he hips started to move and the rest of his body followed.
Not only is he the King of Comedy, he is also the King of the Dancefloor. Who knew he could move like that? I hope we see more of his shaking his booty on his upcoming CBS sitcom Welcome to the Neighborhood. It would be definite ratings getter.
Conan O’Brien has been hosting a late night talk show for almost 25 years, and next year he is going to change things up. TBS announced today that starting in 2019, Conan will only be a half hour long. While that might sound like a bad thing at first because he is the best late night host by far, it is actually a very good thing.
It will give him more to time to focus on comedy and remotes. Not only that, he will continue to do the one-hour specials Conan Without Border to give his unique take on the World’s most infamous countries.
Conan explained why he is doing a shorter show, “Since I inherited my Late Night show in 1993, TV has changed exponentially. I’d like to think I have evolved with many of these changes, but now it’s time to take the next leap. A half-hour show will give me the time to do a higher percentage of the comedy in, and out, of the studio that I love and that seems to resonate in this new digital world.” Then he added, “It’s still going to be me hosting a very silly show, but I want segments on my half-hour program to link to digital content, deepening the experience for my younger fans, and confusing my older ones.”
To me, the thing that makes him better than all the other hosts is that he willing to be silly and admit when his jokes might’ve gone too far. Just like in the video above that has a punchline no other show would dare to do. I cannot believe they even went there. So wrong and yet so funny.
Plus, his remotes are always a laugh out loud riot that will leave your belly hurting. Who will ever forget the time he took a Lyft with Ice Cube and Kevin Hart? Or any of trips with he went on with Jordan Schlansky? Or the time he went to the Taco Bell Headquarters? Or when he took Steve Yeun to a Korean Day Spa? If The Last Man on Earth (it better) gets picked up for another season, I would love for him to do a tour of the dildo factory next door to where the show tapes with the cast!
No one is more brilliant, witty and quick on his feet than Conan, so I cannot wait to see how he takes it to a whole new level of awesome.
Besides doing his show, he will also give young comedians their big break. He will showcase their live tours and original digital material starting later this year.
One last part of the deal is that Team Coco will post all of his old Late Night episodes from his NBC days on their site. Which means I can see the few bits that my dad did on the show.
Kristen Schaal is on Conan O’Brien’s show tonight and she decided to let the TBS host hold her baby. By the looks of their faces, the actress would not leave her 2-month-old daughter with him, even if he was the last man on Earth.
Also looking at their faces, don’t they kind of look alike? I am figure out if she was a guest on his late night talk show about the same time that she conceived her baby? Joking, sweet little Ruby’s dad is Schaal’s husband Rich Blomquist.
Zach Braff is not used to filming in a freezing cold studio and his nipples really liked it. So much so, they had to give him pasties to hide just how excited and hard they are for that type of working condition.
You think that would be an embarrassing enough story for him to tell Conan O’Brien yesterday on the TBS talk show, but that was not the only thing keeping the makeup department busy on the set of Alex, Inc. He wore a pair of wicker underwear that is made to absorb sweat. Which it does a good job with, pee not so much. If a little dribble comes out, it will show. That is exactly what happened to him. Thus, he had one person putting pasties on his nipples and another person blow drying his pants dry.
And you thought you had a bad job. Suddenly, it does not sound so bad.
What is good is Alex, Inc, so you can tune in tonight at 8:30p on ABC to see if you can see his pasties under his shirt. I know I have a lot of fun looking for them on Alex, Inc, but I am weird that way. That and I enjoy watching a comedy that makes me laugh!
Lauren Ash told Conan O’Brien on his TBS late night show the other night that when she was 12 years old, her mom played a prank on her that still haunts her to this day. Ash’s mom said she was going out and going to leave her daughter alone for the first time. Shortly after mom left, she took a shower. Then she heard something and started to call for her mom. Eventually, when she got out of the shower, her mom jumped out and scared her. Ash screamed, cried and peed a lot all at the same because she scared peeless.
For decades, she has wondered how she could get back at her mom and she finally found a way after 23 years. Ash’s character on Superstore is pregnant and the actress wears a realistic baby bump so that viewers will think she is the one with child and not America Ferrera. Which they have been doing a great job at hiding.
Anyways, Ash sent her mom a photo of herself wearing the prosthetic belly, told her mom that was really pregnant and her ex-boyfriend is the father. Her mom freaked out and texted her. Ash ignored her. Then she tried calling, the same thing. Eventually, she picked up the phone and spoke to her hysterical mom. Did her mom forgive her? Once she knew why her daughter did, she understood.
That is why they revenge is sweet. What is also sweet is that Ash wrote tonight’s episode of Superstore on NBC at 8p. Let’s see if she is as good at writing as she is as playing the uptight Dina. Something I am pretty sure she will succeed in doing.