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Sophie Turner really slaps Conan O’Brien!!!
June 6th, 2019 under Conan O'Brien. [ Comments: none ]

We know that Sophie Turner starred in Game of Thrones, but did not know the cast liked to play games when they weren’t filming? One of the games they played was Tequilla Slaps. It is a very simple game. You drink a shot of Tequilla and before you swallow the other person slaps you.

Sounds like fun? Well, Conan O’Brien decided to try it out with Mrs. Jonas on the show yesterday. He downed the shot and before he could swallow, she slapped him so hard you could feel it. I was wondering why I heard a slapping sound around the time that they were filming and now I know why. You could even hear it a mile away, it was that hard.

How did Conan react to it? His face says it all. It was the type of pain that hurts so good. You don’t know whether to cry or get turned on. You can tell which way he leaned. Which is why he had some more Tequilla! He has a hard job but someone has to do it.

BTW if this is the type of game that she plays in public, imagine the games she plays with her new husband Joe Jonas in private. He seems like the type who would play naughty games.


Andy Richter and Sarah Thyre celebrate their silver anniversary by getting a divorce
April 13th, 2019 under Conan O'Brien, Divorce. [ Comments: 1 ]

Last month, Andy Richter and Sarah Thyre celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary and today they announced that they are divorcing.

The Conan co-host wrote, “It is with sadness that Sarah and I announce that we have separated and have begun divorce proceedings. We are extremely proud of the life we’ve built together and shared with so many friends over the years, and even though our marriage has reached its completion we will always maintain a loving friendship and parenting partnership.”

While the Strangers with Candy star added, “After careful consideration, @AndyRichter and I have decided to divorce. We’ve shared a wonderful 27+ years and have 2 fabulous kids whom we love and will continue to parent together. Thanks to our friends and family for their support. ♥️Looking forward to the next chapter…”

They met in 1991 while working on The Real Live Brady Bunch and have 2 teenage children, Williams and Mercy.

A marriage that lasted twenty-five years and 2 coasts in Hollywood is like one that lasted until death they do part.


Sean Penn talks about the real Jeff Spicoli!
April 11th, 2019 under Conan O'Brien, Sean Penn. [ Comments: none ]

No matter how many Oscars Sean Penn wins or roles he plays, he will most be remembered for one of his earliest roles. Nothing can compare to the greatness of Jeff Spicoli in Fast Times at Ridgemont High!

Yesterday, when the actor was on Conan, O’Brien wanted to know if based the stoner surfer on anyone in particular. He did.

After reading Cameron Crowe’s book, which the film is based on, he immediately thought of someone that was “rhythmically aligned with that character.” That guy was one of the first people he met when he moved to Malibu in 1969.

The TBS host then wanted to know if this guy knew that the ultimate ’80s dude was based on him. Penn said, “I really don’t think so, but part of that, may have had to do, with him, not knowing where he was.”

Now that we have a better image of the man that Penn knew from the time he was 9-17, has he ever seen him since their memorable time, to only one them, on the beach surfing? About 2 months ago, Penn was riding the waves and he ran into a well-spoken family man. Penn couldn’t place him until he told him his name. This businessman was the same man that was the inspiration for Jeff Spicoli.

Which is kind of interesting if you think about it. Penn is more like Spicoli today than the guy who he based the part on. Whoa. Mr. Hand would be so blown away by that.

BTW I am totally watching Fast Times again because of this interview. To me, this is the greatest coming of age movie from the ’80s. Sorry John Hughes, but it is.


Isla Fisher took her family to her husband’s set on the worst day
March 19th, 2019 under Conan O'Brien, Sacha Baron Cohen. [ Comments: none ]

Anyone who has seen a Sacha Baron Cohen movie knows there are going to have a lot of grotesque scenes. The grossest one has to be the elephant scene in The Brothers Grimsby.

Guess what? Isla Fisher told Conan O’Brien tonight that she actually took her father, her step-mom and her children there on that very day. She did not check the call sheet that morning, so she had no idea what they were doing. She saw elephants and thought it was safe and fun for the fam. Boy, was she wrong.

What did she do? She grabbed her family and said let’s go to lunch. Smart move. Marrying him, well that is a whole other discussion.


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
March 17th, 2019 under Conan O'Brien, SOW Greetings. [ Comments: none ]

Today we are all Irish like Conan O’Brien, so celebrate St. Patrick’s Day like a Leprechaun at the end of the rainbow! Except for our pot of gold is a pint of Guinness!


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