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Baby Yoda gets his own Chia Pet!
November 20th, 2020 under Chia Pet, Star Wars. [ Comments: none ]

I have never had a Chia Pet, even though I really want one. I almost bought the Bob Ross one, but I didn’t do it. Now, that there is a Baby Yoda one, buy him I must. Seriously, how cute is he?

As you know, Chia Pets need light to grow. Maybe he would like to come over to the dark side with a Darth Vader Clap On clapper. Who knew they still existed, but they do. Now, I know what I am going to get my friends’ kids for Christmas. Since they are young enough to enjoy clapping really loud over and over again to get the lights to go on and off until the bulbs burn out. He he!


Weird Al Yankovic and his Chia pet
October 6th, 2020 under Chia Pet, Weird Al Yankovic. [ Comments: none ]

If ever there was anyone, who deserves to have a Chia pet in his likeness, it is Weird Al *Yankovic. Guess what? They made one for the White & Nerdy singer. After months of waiting, he finally got one. I can’t wait to see it look likes when his ’80s fro grows out. The only thing missing is the mustache he had back then. Can they make it so some grass grows on his upper lip?


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