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He soda popped the question!
August 31st, 2010 under Captioned By Me. [ Comments: none ]

People of Wal-mart
A guy in California decided to pop the question by stacking up a bunch of Pepsi cartons and spelling out “Steph will u marry me” at a Wal-Mart. No word how she responded or if she used Coke can to spell it out. I think it is quite romantic how the mystery man proposed to his girlfriend, but I am sucker for sh!t like that!


Ricky Martin is out and he’s keeping the beard!
August 18th, 2010 under Captioned By Me, Ricky Martin. [ Comments: none ]

Back in March Ricky Martin came out of the closet and now he is declaring that he is going to keep his beard. Not that beard, but the one he grew on his face! The Shake Your Bon Bon singer Tweeted, “shave?for what?Love creative caos.-Afeitarme?Pa’que?Le llamo caos creativo.” Why should he lose the beard? Because he looks better without it! Even though he is the father of two young twins, I am sure they would like to have a second daddy for all three of them to enjoy!


Boy Barbie really let herself go
August 16th, 2010 under Barbie, Captioned By Me. [ Comments: none ]

via James Gunn Twitter
We haven’t seen Barbie in a while and I think now we know why. Boy she has put on a few pounds to put it nicely. I guess since the Bratz Dolls and the American Gilrs Dolls took over the market for little girls, Barbie didn’t feel the need to keep her longstanding figure and ate what she wanted and then some. Hopefully when she decides to lose the extra baggage, she will do it wisely and we will get a Jenny Craig Barbie.


Hey Carrot Top you are what you at!
June 27th, 2010 under Captioned By Me. [ Comments: none ]

Norm Clarke
Carrot Top was photographed with a cake shaped like a toilet bowl in Vegas and all I can think of when I saw the picture is the saying, “you are what you eat” Many of us think that is where his career has been going for a long time, so why shouldn’t celebrate with a sh!t cake. Seriously how and why did someone come up with a cake shaped like the porcelain throne?
BTW as if Miss USA Rima Fakih needed a way to look prettier than she already is, posing with Carrot Top makes even the ugliest girl look gorgeous, so she looks Goddess standing next to him.


Gilbert Gottfried’s date is a real quack!
June 17th, 2010 under Captioned By Me. [ Comments: none ]


I always thought that anyone that dated Gilbert Gottfried was a quack and now we have picture proof. Actually I wish it was the case, but really it was just him taking the Aflac duck that he voices to the Webby awards. Oh well at least I got a funny caption out of it!


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