Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Cameron Diaz
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Can Tom Cruise bend it like Beckham?
June 11th, 2010 under Cameron Diaz, Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: 2 ]

Tom Cruise and David Beckham are such good friends that Becks even named his youngest son after him. So does their friendship mean that Cruise can bend it like Beckham. Looking at him on the Knight and Day set with Cameron Diaz, it looks like not only did he pick up his moves but so did she. There is only problem, the ball doesn’t haven’t a shadow so they are just acting like they are playing with a real ball. Let’s hope they can fake it just as good when their movie comes out on June 23rd.


Cameron Diaz does to Tom Cruise, what we all want to!!!
May 13th, 2010 under Cameron Diaz, Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: 2 ]

Tom Cruise was teaching Cameron Diaz how to do the scene where she high kicks him in the chest when he suddenly got distracted. What happens next has me watching this video non-stop and you will be feeling the same way as I do!!!
I think there is a subliminal message in that video, because now I want to see Knight and Day when it comes out on June 25th. Oh sh!t did I just say that, now I feel like I got kicked in the chest.


Tom Cruise running in another movie trailer
March 30th, 2010 under Cameron Diaz, Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: none ]

There are two things that are always reliable with Tom Cruise and his movies, first he will play the same character in every one of them and second he will be seen running in the trailer to promote it. Yesterday during Dancing with the Stars they debuted the trailer for his upcoming movie with Cameron Diaz, Knight and Day. After watching it all I have to say is too bad the sun rose on this movie and hopefully the sun will set very quickly after it comes out because it looks like a major dud! Even though he has had success with the Mission Impossible franchise, I still don’t see him as an action hero. If I needed him to save my life, I would look around for someone else before I looked at him to do it.


Cameron Diaz is working it for a car wash!
March 29th, 2010 under Cameron Diaz. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Pictures
Don’t worry Cameron Diaz’s career hasn’t gotten to the point that she is selling it for a car wash, she is actually shooting a scene for her new movie Bad Teacher. And you know there will be a lot of boys wishing she was their Bad Teacher after seeing these pictures.
BTW can you believe she is 37 and still has her figure like that?


This movie looks unwatchable during the Knight & Day
December 23rd, 2009 under Cameron Diaz, Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: 3 ]

After watching the trailer for Knight & Day, I remember why I signed in blood I would never ever see another Tom Cruise in it after seeing him in the last movie he did with Cameron Diaz, Vanilla Sky. Seriously how beyond awful does Knight and Day look? Granted I was turned off of the movie when Cruise was talking to Diaz on the plane and I remembered how Christian Bale said he based his American Psycho character on him and I totally saw Patrick Bateman speaking in that scene. On a non-Cruise note, what is that thing on top of Marc Blucas’ lip? Someone shave that mustache off of him ASAP.
On a positive note, isn’t that like the first trailer in a long time without Tom Cruise running in it?


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