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BTWF roles: Burt Reynolds in The Twilight Zone
November 18th, 2015 under Before They Were Famous, Burt Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

Before Burt Reynolds was a sex symobol in his own right, he was imitating another one, Marlon Brando, for The Twilight Zone. How gorgeous was the 27 year old in that 1963 episode?


Imagine Burt Reynolds as James Bond or Hans Solo
November 17th, 2015 under 70s, Burt Reynolds. [ Comments: 1 ]

Burt Reynolds has an autobiography out called But Enough About Me and in it he details some of the infamous roles he turned down. Can you imagine ’70s biggest sex symbol as Bond, James Bond? Actually, I could, but he couldn’t and he told Good Morning America’s Lara Spencer why he turned it down. He said, “I said, ‘An American can’t play James Bond. It has to be an Englishman. Bond, James Bond. You know, I can’t do it.’” Other roles he said he couldn’t do are Star Wars’ Han Solo and Terms of Endearment’s Garrett Breedlove which eventually went to Jack Nicholson.
Not only did he turn down movies, he also turned down his one true love, Sally Field. When Spencer asked him if he thinks maybe they could get together now, he said “No. No. She’s too smart for that.” She is single, so maybe he can woe her during a moment of weakness. And maybe we can get one more Smokey and the Bandit movie out of it? It’s a win/win!


Burt Reynolds in rehab
September 16th, 2009 under Burt Reynolds, Rehab. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo from WireImage)

Burt Reynolds is in rehab for an addiction to pain killers according to what his manager told Us Weekly.

“After a recent back surgery, Mr. Reynolds felt like he was going through hell and after a while, realized he was a prisoner of prescription pain pills,” his manager said in a statement Wednesday. “He checked himself into rehab in order to regain control of his life.”
His manager added: “Mr. Reynolds hopes his story will help others in a similar situation. He hopes they will not try to solve the problem by themselves, but realize that sometimes it is too tough to do on their own and they should seek help, as he did.”

Good for the 73 year old actor to admitting he had a problem before it got too bad. His stint proves you are never to old to go to rehab.


Burt Reynolds is smoking…
August 23rd, 2006 under Burt Reynolds, Captioned By Me. [ Comments: none ]


Because his fire went out a long time ago.

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