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Angelina Jolie ready to adopt again?
October 26th, 2006 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

Angelina Jolie is adopting an Indian baby to add to her growing international brood, according to US reports. Sources say the big-hearted actress and partner Brad Pitt have already applied to adopt a tot from an Indian orphanage. An insider said: "They hope to be able to bring the child home by Christmas. "Brad would prefer a boy no older than 18 months to even out the sexes but Angie has told him she can’t guarantee she won’t fall in love with a little girl." The source told US magazine Globe: "Whichever they end up with, they’d like to name the child India to honour its homeland." The pair are rumoured to have visited the Priva Darshini orphanage in the last month. Angelina’s first child, five-year-old Maddox, was adopted from a Cambodian orphanage in 2002. And last year she adopted an Ethiopian baby girl – Zahara Marley Jolie – orphaned by AIDS, now 22-months-old. She and actor Brad Pitt, 42, had a daughter together, baby Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt, in May 2006. Angelina, 31, has declared that she’d like kiddies from all over the world. She has said: "I want to create a rainbow family. That’s children of different religions and cultures from different countries." "I believe I’m meant to find my children in the world and not necessarily have them genetically." After the birth of their daughter Pitt described fatherhood as the greatest thing he had ever done. "It’s a true joy and a very profound love," he said. However it was said that the couple were in disagreement over whether they should adopt again, with Pitt wanting to concentrate on the children they have.

Daily Mail 

So what is left for to finish the rainbow?


Ire over Angelina Jolie playing a woman of mixed race
October 10th, 2006 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

This is Angelina Jolie in her latest film role – as the widow of murdered Wall Street Journal journalist Daniel Pearl. Jolie, 31, has effected an astonishing transformation to become French freelance reporter Mariane Pearl, who was five months pregnant when her husband, 38, was kidnapped while on assignment in Pakistan in 2002. He was eventually beheaded by Islamic terrorists, despite pleas from his family and colleagues. The film is based on Mrs Pearl’s story of the tragedy, A Mighty Heart, which details the moment her husband disappeared through to the birth of their son Adam, now four. Filming began this week in India. P It is being made by Brad Pitt’s production company Plan B, with him as producer and Briton Michael Winterbottom directing. Jennifer Aniston was originally lined up to play the lead, already tipped by industry insiders as a potential Oscar contender. But following her divorce from Pitt, in which she relinquished part ownership of Plan B, he handed it to his new flame Jolie. There has, however, been some controversy over the casting. Some black campaign groups say it amounts to a "whitewash" – because Mrs Pearl is mixed race. One website,, claims: "It is 2006 and I had assumed that the days when white actors took on roles of black people had long passed away." Another blogger adds: "This is just another example of the white washing of history. There are mixed/black women actresses who could have done a damn good job in this role. You can’t tell me that Halle Berry, Judy Reyes or other women of African descent wouldn’t have been a better choice." But Mrs Pearl has welcomed the casting, saying: "I’m delighted Angelina Jolie will be playing my role. I deeply admire her work." US actor Dan Futterman plays the role of Pearl. Jolie has described A Mighty Heart as being about "cross-cultural understanding and the values that people of all faiths share".

Daily Mail

Umm didn’t Halle Berry just take a role where she will be playing a white woman, where is the uproar over that?
Now back to Mariane Pearl she is a French woman who asked to be part of the US 911 fund for her husbnand’s death and also had an affair with a married man who left his wife and children for her. So count me out for seeing this movie. Daniel Pearl was admirable, Mariane Pearl is far from it.


David Beckham to coach Maddox Jolie-Pitt
October 3rd, 2006 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina, The Beckhams. [ Comments: none ]

As David Beckham’s international football career comes to an end it appears he has already lined up a new job as a children’s soccer coach. And the Real Madrid player’s first pupil on his books is none other than Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s adopted son Maddox. The footy-mad five-year-old has already enrolled at the David Beckham Soccer Academy in Los Angeles, and now Pitt, 42, wants the ex-England captain to give Cambodian-born Maddox some one-on-one coaching. And the middleman behind this bizarre arrangement is former Wimbledon hard man Vinnie Jones. The 41-year-old footballer turned actor, who starred alongside Pitt in hit gangster movie Snatch, has become pals with Beckham thanks to his promotion work for his U.S. soccer schools and asked him to take a look at the kid. A source told The Sun: "Brad has asked if there is any chance of David giving a one-on-one tutorial. "It seems all the all the ex-pats from the UK join a local football team in Hollywood. Celebs like Robbie Williams, Jason Statham and Vinnie know each other through having a knockabout." The source added: "Maddox was being coached by an English guy over there who happened to tell Vinnie." The training request from the Fight Club star will no doubt please wife Victoria, 32, as they have been trying to establish Brand Beckham stateside for some time are keen to make friends with the Hollywood elite. The Beckhams already count Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes among their pals and are rumoured to want to move to LA after he retires from football.

Daily Mail 

I guess he found his next career move!


Brad and Angelina doing another movie together
September 22nd, 2006 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

THE horrendous beheading by terrorist jihadis of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl while he was on assignment in Pakistan four years ago will be commemorated in a film to be made in India starring Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Last-minute arrangements for shooting the film adaptation of A Mighty Heart by Pearl’s widow, Marianne Pearl, are being made in the city of Pune with the Hollywood couple expected to arrive there on October 1. Pune is reported to have been selected because of the area’s similarity to the country between Pakistan’s two major cities, Islamabad and Karachi, where the drama surrounding the abduction and murder of Pearl took place. Pitt and Jolie are expected to spend at least a month in Pune, and local hotels have been booked out for the production crew that will accompany them. The film will reportedly also star Bollywood actors Irrfan Khan and Aly Khan. According to local hoteliers in Pune, security officials have been to the city to ensure the safety of the glamorous Hollywood couple. Given the subject of the film, it seems likely to incur the hostility of the usual suspects who support the jihadi cause. Previously, Pakistan has refused to allow filming, and there can be no doubt security concerns played a part in considerations, given the strength of jihadi fervour in the area.

The Australian

This has Oscar written all over it. 


Paramount trying to recruit Brad Pitt for Mission Impossible 4?
September 18th, 2006 under Brangelina, Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: none ]

Brad Pitt has been lined up to replace Tom Cruise in the next Mission Impossible film. It is a move that will make Pitt the highest-paid actor in Hollywood history. Paramount Pictures, the company behind the franchise, ended their long-running partnership with Cruise and is planning to install Pitt in the lead role. The firm is determined to keep the lucrative series alive after Mission Impossible:III took £212million at the box office, with the previous episode taking £290 million. An insider told London Lite: "MI:IV will not include Cruise’s character, agent Ethan Hunt. They’re considering a brief mention, saying Hunt retired to live a safe life with his new wife. "They’re set on Brad taking over as a gutsy new head operative who puts together his own unique team of specialists." Sources say Paramount is prepared to do whatever it takes to get Pitt on board, and is even willing to make him the highest-paid movie star in history, with a salary topping £21 million. They say that with Cruise now off the lot, Pitt – whose production company Plan B is based at Paramount – is clearly the biggest star with a deal at the studio. Plan B recently won a heated bidding war against Leonardo DiCaprio’s production company for Max Brooks’ upcoming horror novel, World War Z. "Brad is showing the studio what he’s made of," added the source. "Everyone is very impressed. "Everything’s being kept top secret, but they’re offering Brad a deal no one could possibly refuse. There’s no doubt, this would make Brad Pitt the biggest and highest paid star in the world."

Daily Mail 

Another reason for Tom Cruise to be jealous of Brad Pitt.


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