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The Dalai Lama on Brangelina
September 22nd, 2016 under Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

The great Dalia Lama was interview by Piers Morgan and that is bad enough, but then the Internationally hated talk show host actually asked him what he thinks of the Brangelina separation.
Thankfully, the Monk does not know who they are, but here is what he what he said about their impending divorce when he heard how many kids they have, “Sad.” And that is why he is the great spiritual leader that he is.
BTW it kills me to say this, but I actually really enjoyed this interview. Even though he asked The Dalai Lama about the stupidest things, the Monk came off as so warm, personable and funny. Like you totally want to be best friends with him and for a few seconds you forget how holy he truly is.


BTWF roles: Brad Pitt on Another World
September 21st, 2016 under Before They Were Famous, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

Before Brad Pitt’s love life was a real life Soap Opera, he guest starred on one. Didn’t the 23 year old make you dribble in that 1987 episode of Another World?


Did Robert Pattinson come between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie?
September 21st, 2016 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina, Robert Pattinson, Twilight. [ Comments: none ]

Madame Tussauds had wax versions of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie on display; and when news of their split broke, the museum decided to split them up. Not only did they split them up, they put another life-size candle, who involved in very public breakup, between them. That statue is Robert Pattison’s, and I wonder if the former couple would’ve preferred they used his Twilight co-star and ex-lover Kristen Stewart instead.
If you could bet on which member of Brangelina will be dating first and who that person it, who would think it will be?
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How does Jennifer Aniston feel about Brad Pitt’s divorce?
September 20th, 2016 under Brangelina, Friends (cast). [ Comments: none ]
Once you got over the shock that Brangelina are now just Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, you wondered how does his first wife Jennifer Aniston feel about the news.
A source told Us Weekly, “Yeah, that’s karma for you!” Then that person added, “She always got the sense that something would happen with them eventually…She didn’t feel that Angelina was truly the one who Brad was meant to stay with. She always felt that Angelina was too complex for him. He’s a pretty simple guy.”
A second source told the magazine that the actress feels “sort of satisfied” and she “does wish Brad luck and the best. She feels like she’s happy, and she wants him to be happy too.”
At this point, the actor won’t be happy with his ex because she is currently married to someone else. But if her marriage ever does go south and he is single, every Entertainment outlet will have a field day after they scream, “Yes, yes, yes!”


Brad Pitt kissing another woman
September 20th, 2016 under Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

Clickbait! Total clickbait!
Paramount Pictures is seizing the opportunity to promote Brad Pitt’s upcoming film Allied with Marion Cotillard while they are getting some extra press today. You see, Page Six is reporting that Angelina caught them having affair, but Cotillard has denied it.
They say there is no such thing as bad news, and you have to respect Paramount for realizing that. Now it will be interesting to see if their plan to get people in the theaters, on November 23rd to see the film, worked.


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