Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Billy Joel
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A literal music video to Billy Joel’s We Didn’t Start the Fire!
June 22nd, 2017 under Billy Joel. [ Comments: none ]

We have all heard Billy Joel’s We Didn’t Start the Fire, but we cannot identify all the references that is made in the song. A fan, who goes by AD, helped us out by editing the historic names with actual footage. Why? He said, “Been meaning to get to this for my entire life.”

Who cares how long it took for him to make it because it is as swell, as groovy and as totally like awesome as the 1989 tune that gave us a history of the 20th century.


Billy Joel and Jimmy Fallon are beasts of burden!
January 7th, 2016 under Billy Joel, Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]
Billy Joel was a guest on The Tonight Show yesterday and Jimmy Fallon and him sang a duet together. Instead of singing one of BJ’s tune, they sang The Rolling Stones’ Beast of Burden. They did such a great job with it, Mick Jagger would approve.
If that is not enough for you, the two of them along with JK Simmons harmonized to my second favorite song from The Piano Man, For the Longest Time. Who knew JK could sing like that? He should go on tour with Joel!


Billy Joel wakes up the sleeping lion with the his Doo Wop!
March 21st, 2014 under Billy Joel, Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]

Billy Joel was a guest on The Tonight Show yesterday and Jimmy Fallon asked the Piano Man if he would sing The Tokens’ The Lion Sleeps Tonight with him via some help from the iPad app Loopy. The two men were able to sound like a Doo Wop group even though they were a few voices short. And even with that disadvantage, they still sounded as melodic as the original version. Seriously, isn’t BJ’s voice just as beautiful as that Uptown Girl he sang about? I know his vocals start my fire!


Billy Joel is movin’ in to Madison Square Garden!
December 3rd, 2013 under Billy Joel. [ Comments: none ]

Every state has its musical Big Shot they support with all of their heart; California has The Eagles, Florida has Gloria Estefan, Massachusetts has Aerosmith, NJ has Bruce Springsteen and Bon Jovi, and NY has Billy Joel. The premiere location for any band/singer to play in NYC is Madison Square Garden and The Piano Man announced today that he has set up permanent residency at the arena. His first show at his new home is January 27, 2014 and it is sold out. In fact the next 3 shows on February 3, March 21, April 18 also are sold out. The first show that we can get tickets to is on May 9, 2014, his 65th birthday, and from that date on he will be playing MSG once a month as long as we want him to or For The Longest Time.
According to press release since he first performed there back in 1978, he has played 46 shows there. When he becomes a senior citizen, it will be his 50th show. Do know how many musicians would die for the opportunity to play the NYC landmark just once and he will do it over 4 dozens times before he start collecting social security. Who knows how many more times he will be singing Uptown Girl in downtown Manhattan? More than a parent tells their kid Don’t Ask Me Why again. No Pressure, no pressure at all for The Entertainer, who has had his music turned into a Broadway musical and a whole episode of Glee dedicated to his tunes.
If you have never seen Billy Joel live or seen a concert at MSG, I highly recommend you get tickets to see him there. They will be available for pre-sale on December, 4th. I have seen him live 4 times and I would see him again and again even though he tried to hit me over the head with a mic stand. He really puts on a show for everyone to enjoy! So save up to see him live at MSG, it is well worth the money!


Billy Joel’s music will be a Big Shot on Glee?
August 24th, 2010 under Billy Joel, Glee. [ Comments: 1 ]

Billy Joel was doing an interview with Access Hollywood and they asked him if he would allow Glee to do an episode dedicated to his music. Here was the response to their question:

“I already have,” Billy confirmed, breaking news about the hit FOX show.
“So, have they started the process?” Shaun asked.
“I have no idea. All I know is I said, ‘Yeah! Go ahead. Use my stuff,’” Billy revealed. “I was in a chorus when I was in high school, why not?”

Umm I think there was something that was already dedicated solely to his music, you know that Tony award winning Broadway show called Movin’ Out. But it would be fun to see what Glee can do with his music. How cool would it be if they used We Didn’t Start the Fire for a history class? (Like what that person did on YouTube.) Seriously do they ever take any classed at McKinley High?
One last note, when he was asked if he would appear on the show, he said “I’m just not a big TV actor type of guy, I’m a piano player.” Maybe he can get his little Alexa on the show instead. But personally I would love to see him on the show teaching that history class singing We Didn’t Start the Fire as he teaches them about the 20th century!


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