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Bill Murray’s final time on David Letterman’s show takes the cake
May 19th, 2015 under Bill Murray, David Letterman. [ Comments: 1 ]
Bill Murray was David Letterman’s first guest on NBC’s Late Night and CBS’s The Late Show, so it is only fitting that he was his last guest. Murray always does something wacky and fun whenever he is on the talk show, and tonight was no different. Scrooge made everyone happy when he came out of a huge cake. Proving you can have your cake and eat it too, if you host late night talk shows for 33 years.


Bill Murray rode into Jimmy Kimmel Live on his high horse!
March 20th, 2015 under Bill Murray, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: 1 ]
Bill Murray knows how to make a late night entrance and, I reckon, he made one that Jimmy Kimmel Live won’t soon forget. The actor came out on a horse wearing cowgirl attire and it was the grandest entrance the ABC show has seen.
You what the biggest lesson we got from this, who knew Bill Murray had such sexy legs? Hubba hubba!


Bill Murray runs out on The Late Show interview
October 16th, 2014 under Bill Murray, David Letterman. [ Comments: none ]
Bill Murray was a guest on The Late Show yesterday and he always knows how to make an entrance. Well last night, he made quite an exit. The actor was on the show to promote his movie St Vincent; and just as David Letterman asked him about it, Dr. Peter Venkman stopped him. Bob Wiley told him that he is committed to run in this year’s NYC marathon and he needs to start training for it now. As in right that second, so he got up and left the studio for a run. What happens next is only something Bill Murray could pull off and that is why we love him.


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