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David Letterman gets a Barbie makeover!
December 19th, 2013 under Barbie, David Letterman. [ Comments: none ]

It is that time of year for David Letterman to become a big kid on The Late Show and yesterday’s New Holiday Toys segment did not disappoint. At first he got to play with a cool car and then a lame powered by air toy, but then things started getting good when he was asked to try the Barbie Digital Makeover Mirror. That’s right the CBS late night host got a much needed doll makeover and he never looked so pretty! Once we got our jollies, it was time for him to get his jollies while riding a dirt quad and a zip line across the stage into a Christmas tree. Let’s just say there were crashes, but no one but him was injured in the process. Christmas is such a joyous time of year!


Anna Faris did some weird suff with her Barbie dolls!
October 24th, 2013 under Barbie, Conan O'Brien. [ Comments: none ]

Anna Faris was on Conan O’Brien’s show yesterday and she told the TBS late night host about what she used to do with Barbies when she was a kid. She told him that she would have murder mysteries with her dolls. One of them would be the killer, and the rest of them would have to figure it out. But there was also another element to the imaginary game, they were all part of a Barbie Whorehouse.
There really is nothing to add because her story says it all.


Is that what Barbie would look like?
July 2nd, 2013 under Barbie, Cool Technology. [ Comments: 2 ]

Ever wonder what Barbie would like if she was crafted like the measurements of the average 19 year old girl? Well according to Daily Mail, Nickolay Lamm did just that when he created a 3-D model of what the popular doll should look like. You know what I like his version of the fashion doll so much better. She looks better with some extra plastic on her body. While I like it, I am sure she wouldn’t and she would be contacting the nearest plastic surgeon to make her look as plastic as she does now.


Barbie photgraphed without makeup
April 5th, 2013 under Barbie, Cool Technology. [ Comments: none ]

via Daily Mail
Ever since Barbie made her debut in 1959, she has always been seen with makeup on. Well thank to Eddi Aguirre using some photo enhancement technology, we are seeing what the perfect doll would look like without it. You know what she is just as beautiful.
I hope Mattel sees this photo and decides to come out with a real Barbie. I think little girls would love her just as much.


Really The Kardashians are getting their own Barbies?
January 4th, 2012 under Barbie, The Kardashians. [ Comments: 3 ]

Barbie has been dressing trashier and trashier throughout the years and now she is getting her worst version yet because Kim, Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian are getting their own special limited edition Barbie dolls. A source told Us Weekly, “The dolls will reflect the girls’ measurements and may even comes in Kardashian-designed outfits.” There is enough plastic in the world to make their measurements? Who knew?
Now when it comes to the doll what mother doesn’t want her little girl to own a doll line where one of them is known for having a sex tape and being married for 72 days, another one was arrested for DUI and the third one has two kids our of wedlock. Oh yeah any mother that isn’t named Kris Kardashian.
Dear Mattle, It is not too late to stop production of these doll, so please do it. I mean what is next The Teen Mom line or The Toddlers & Tiara one or The Bachelorette and her Bachelors or The Real Housewives? Oh wait the last ones should be easy to do because they all look like plastic. Little girls are playing with Barbies, not women so make the dolls for them! Thanks!


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