There is no Cure for Robert Smith’s hair |
May 31st, 2011 under Bad Hair, The Cure. [ Comments: 8 ]

Robert Smith has always had an interesting hairstyle, but now the Freakshow just looks like a long deserted bird’s nest. There is no Cure for that untamed Forest, I think the only way to tame it would be to chop it all down. Can some one please show him how to use a brush because it doesn’t look like he has used one since his mother sang him a Lullaby to go to sleep. It is so bad that Donald Trump wrote him a Lovesong because he no longer has the worst hair in show business.
Robert Smith the only way I want to see Pictures of You is if you did something to control that hairdo that makes Edward Scissorhands’ look sleek. And remember if you go to the barber, Boys Don’t Cry!!!
Corey Feldman has the dumbest hairstyle |
May 15th, 2011 under Bad Hair, The Two Coreys. [ Comments: none ]

Corey Feldman has mashed up all the worst ’80s hairstyles and combined them into one big hairdon’t. I don’t what he was thinking by growing out the tail that was made famous by Aimee Mann in the front. It looks so idiotic, I can’t see anyone saying that was a smart idea. And what is up with letting his black roots show under his bleached and fried blonde spiked Billy Idol do? I would like to say something positive about it, but I can’t…can you?
The B-52’s Fred Schneider’s Tin Roof, Rusted! |
May 5th, 2011 under Bad Hair. [ Comments: 1 ]

Fred Schneider came out for the The Kitchen’s Spring Gala Benefit 2011 and his hair looks like a B-52 dropped a bomb on it. I love The B-52s, but it is time that he stopped trying to get that Rock Lobster of his into a faux mohawk like that because his Tin Roof, Rusted. Seriously how sad is that little thing on the top of his Love Shack?
Debi Mazar goes grey? |
February 18th, 2011 under Bad Hair. [ Comments: 2 ]

Debi Mazar attended the Agent Provocateur Beverly Hills Rodeo Drive Boutique opening and she debuted a new look. The brunette walked the red carpet with a short grey bob, so I have to wonder if that is her accepting that she might be going grey? Thankfully it looks like she is just wearing a wig because I think that it aged her at least 20 years.
What’s up with Aimee Gacia’s Flock of Seagulls’ hair style? |
February 3rd, 2011 under Bad Hair. [ Comments: none ]

Aimee Garcia attended an event yesterday copying the lead singer of Flock of Seagulls’ hairstyle. I don’t know what she was thinking because those bangs are like a Trauma. There is a reason why that look never the ’80s, and seeing her with that look I think it is obvious why it was forced to stay there.
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