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Is Jonah Hill putting the weight back on?
February 13th, 2012 under Apatow Productions, Jonah Hill. [ Comments: none ]
Jonah Hill was seen at the BAFTAs yesterday in a suit that seemed a little too tight for him. The once fat actor who then lost a lot weight looks to be packing on the pounds again. So much so he could barely close his jacket. Even though the button held on for dear life, his pants seam didn’t because as you can see it ripped on the right leg below his crotch. Better there than on his a$$.
Even though he looks like he is putting the weight back, he still looks good. He would just look better in a suit that fits.


Proof Jonah Hill has spent too much time with Brad Pitt
January 16th, 2012 under Apatow Productions, Brangelina, Jonah Hill. [ Comments: none ]

Jonah Hill is making the awards shows rounds because of the movie he starred in with Brad Pitt called Moneyball. While promoting the much nominated film, he admitted that he became close with the actor and Angelina Jolie. That was evident in the picture that Judd Apatow Tweeted during the Golden Globes of the former-fat actor and said, “This is Jonah Hill not paying attention.” While everybody had their eyes glued on the gorgeous Jolie, Hill only had eyes for the Freak and Geek. If the now-skinny actor didn’t spend as much time with Brangelina, he too would be captivated by the A-list beauty.


Does this picture of Jonah Hill want to make you cop a feel for 21 Jump Street?
May 6th, 2011 under Apatow Productions, Jonah Hill. [ Comments: none ]

Jonah Hill is currently filming the reimagination of the television show 21 Jump Street for the big screen and he has been Tweeting pictures from the set. Today he Tweeted a picture of himself in police officer’s uniform and said, “21 Jump Street Photo. Freeze motherf*cker”. Freeze is what I will do when this movies comes out in theaters next year. The only way you can get me to see is if you handcuff me and force me to go. Although I have done worse things in handcuffs…
On a positive note, the Super Bad actor is looking Super Good now that he has lost all that weight!


Now that Jonah Hill is skinny, I can’t tell Seth Rogen and him apart again
March 17th, 2011 under Apatow Productions, Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen. [ Comments: 2 ]

For years I wasn’t able to tell Jonah Hill and Seth Rogen apart and then latter one lost a lot of weight and he became the skinny one while Hill was the fat one. Well now the Get Him to Greek star has lost the weight and now I am back to not knowing which is which. Can someone tell them apart for me so I can finally know who is who?


BTWF roles: Judd Apatow on The Ben Stiller Show
November 30th, 2010 under Apatow Productions, Before They Were Famous, Ben Stiller. [ Comments: none ]

Before Judd Apatow was being interviewed by Jay Leno about his movies, he was impersonating him on The Ben Stiller Show. If it wasn’t for the eyes, I never would have guessed that that 24 year old actor in that 1992 skit is the same writer/director we know today. I guess you can say instead of having a beard, he had an extra chin back then.


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