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Anthony Hopkins accepts his Oscar on social media
April 26th, 2021 under Anthony Hopkins, Oscars. [ Comments: none ]

Last night the Oscars saved Best Actor for last because they were convinced that the late Chadwick Boseman was going to win. He didn’t. Instead, the award went to Sir Anthony Hopkins, 83, who was not there and not on Zoom. That is because it was after 3a in Wales when they finally announced his award.

Therefore, he didn’t know until he woke up this morning that he earned his second Oscar statuette. As soon as the shock wore off, he recorded his acceptance speech. Just like everyone else, he was not expecting to win. However, he is grateful and thankful for the honor. You can see in the face of the man, who holds the title for the oldest actor to win that honor, how overjoyed that the Academy recognized him. So much so, he looked like a little boy in a candy shop.

Since he is a class act, he also wanted “to pay tribute to Chadwick Boseman, who was taken from us far too early.”


Do you leave Santa Anthony Hopkins human flesh?
December 26th, 2020 under Anthony Hopkins. [ Comments: none ]

Some say that Anthony Hopkins played one of the scariest roles in cinema history. That was then, now Hannibal is playing Santa Claus for Christmas. Therefore, if you see him coming down your chimney, run. Unless you want to be his next meal…

Seriously, isn’t the Sir so cute as old Saint Nick?


Do you think quarantine is getting to Anthony Hopkins?
November 24th, 2020 under Anthony Hopkins. [ Comments: none ]

Anthony Hopkins has spent 253 days in quarantine because the 82-year-old does not want to catch COVID-19. I think all of that time in isolation is getting to him. Don’t believe me? Look at him.

On a positive note, the silence of the lambs should be over soon once the vaccine is available. Hopefully, sooner rather than later. Otherwise, he might go all Hannibal Lecter.


Is Anthony Hopkins about to go all Silence of the Lambs on Chris Hardwick?
June 23rd, 2017 under Anthony Hopkins, Captioned By Me. [ Comments: none ]

Sir Anthony Hopkins and Chris Hardwick were on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday and posed for this photo backstage. I don’t know about you, but I think it looks like someone needs to put that mask back on Hannibal ASAP before he eats the Nerdist!


Sir Anthony Hopkins does a mean Big Ang!
July 19th, 2013 under Anthony Hopkins, Jay Leno. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 2:25 in)

Sir Anthony Hopkins was a guest on The Tonight Show yesterday and Jay Leno asked him about his love American Idol. But that isn’t the only reality show Hannibal Lecter watches, he is also a fan of Mob Wives. Then after the NBC late night host asked him about it, without hesitation the Oscar winner did his best Big Ang and it was spot on. Who knew one of the greatest actors of our time would be addicted to one of our trashiest television shows? I don’t know why, but it just makes me love him even more.
And my adoration was solidified when he told two naughty jokes at the end of this clip. Who knew he was such a bad boy? But he is just so cute when he tries to be bad!


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