Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Angelina Jolie
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Angelina Jolie needs to eat
June 6th, 2007 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: 1 ]

Seriously look how skinny her arms have become. How does she hold the kids with those things? She really needs to eat because it is taking away from her looks and making her look a lot older then she really is. That and it is gross to be that skinny.

Angelina Jolie opens up about Brad Pitt and their kids
May 10th, 2007 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]


(photo from Tidbits by TJ

Angelina Jolie recently sat down and gave a very revealing interview with Reader's Digest. She opens up about Brad Pitt, their 4 kids and marriage. Here are some of the answers to the questions they asked her, check out Reader's Digest to read the rest. It is a really great interview and just shows how smart she really is and the love she has for Brad and Maddox, Pax, Zahara and Shiloh.

RD: When we last met, you were a single mom with one son. You now have Brad and four kids. What happened?
Jolie: I met this amazing person, and we realized we had very similar views on how we wanted to live our lives. It's happened quickly, with so many children. Yesterday, picking up the kids from school, Brad turned around in the car, and there were three of them. He couldn't stop laughing. We love them and are having a great time.

RD: Was your pregnancy with Shiloh intentional?
Jolie: It was. Before I met Brad, I always said I was happy never to have a child biologically. He told me he hadn't given up that thought. Then, a few months after Z came home, I saw Brad with her and Mad, and I realized how much he loved them, that a biological child would not in any way be a threat. So I said, "I want to try."

RD: Do you want more children?
Jolie: Yeah, yeah. More biological, more adopted.

RD: The gossip is unrelenting. You're fighting, you're jealous, he's going back to Jennifer. Does it get to you?
Jolie: Our first question is what paper is it in. The New York Times? If not, do we really need to worry?

RD: But at the Golden Globes, you seemed in a bad mood, and that was in The New York Times.
Jolie: Yeah. And that was when my mother was about to die. Others have said we were getting married. We are people who want a good newspaper and television report, so when it's lies about us, it makes us wonder what else are they not double-checking.

RD: So have you and Brad thought about getting married?
Jolie: There's no big conspiracy behind our decision not to. We've both been married before. Our focus when we got together was family, and we are legally bound to our children. That really seems to be the most important thing.

RD: You said you wanted a partner who would urge you to be better. Does Brad do that?
Jolie: He encourages the right things. If I've had a full day and just really been a hands-on mom, he'll make a point to let me know that's something he's proud of. If I'm writing an Op-Ed, he's the first person to want to read the drafts. I could be dressed up in the sexiest outfit for a photo shoot, and by his behavior, he'll let me know that's nice, but it's nothing as sexy as when I'm home surrounded by the kids or reading books, educating myself. He slows me down to kind of get it right, to relax into the strength of my family and the love.  


Angelina Jolie started young, really really young.
April 18th, 2007 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: 4 ]


Angelina Jolie did a very revealing interview with OK! Magazine according to Metro UK, where she admits that she was sexual in kindergarten, "I was a member of a group called the Kissy Girls. I was very sexual in kindergarten. I created a game where I would kiss the boys and give them cooties. Then we would make out and we would take our clothes off. I got in a lot of trouble!"

Jolie lost her virginity at 14 and found out plain sex was just not enough, "I had started having sex with my boyfriend and the sex and the emotions didn't feel enough. I was no longer a little girl. In a moment of wanting to feel closer to my boyfriend I grabbed a knife and cut him. He cut me back. We had an exchange of something and we were covered in blood, my heart was racing. Then whenever I felt trapped, I'd cut myself. I have a lot of scars. It was an age when I felt adventurous and after a few beers things happened."

She continued the knife playing and stuff until she adopted Maddox, "It had something to do with becoming a mother. That was the biggest change in my life and made me feel complete. I learned to accept responsibility for myself, my children and my partner."

After reading this article I can't wait for her to write a tell-all because you know it is going to be as interesting as all heck and then some. And better yet will be the TV movie that will have to be on either HBO or Showtime, because it will be too hot for broadcast TV.


Will New Orleans be the Big Easy for Brangelina?
February 19th, 2007 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]


Hollywood’s favorite nomadic couple is finally settling down – far away from Tinseltown. Angelina Jolie tells Us Weekly that she and Brad Pitt have moved their three children, Maddox,5, Zahara, 2, and 7-month-old Shiloh, to New Orleans. “We love it there,” Jolie told Us at the Golden Globe Awards after confirming the move. “The kids are going to go to school there. We’re really looking forward to it.” On January 12, just a day after moving to The Big Easy, Jolie was already mixing with the locals at restaurant Angeli on Decatur. Diner Jorge Palacios tells Us the star – clad in an ivory dress over white pants – blended right in: “No one at my table believed me when I told them it was her.” And that’s just what she wants. While Pitt works (he’s filming The Curious Case of Benjamin Button locally), sources say Jolie, 31, plans on being a low-key mom in the $3.5 million, six-bedroom, four-and-a-half bath mansion the pair recently purchased (their fourth house) in the French Quarter. “She’s interested in befriending normal moms so she can do things with the kids,” says a Jolie source. And who can forget their humanitarian efforts? “Angelina has asked for places she can do charity work,” says the source, who adds that Jolie had inquired about a school for disadvantaged youth. And construction is set to start this month on the 20 environment-friendly homes Pitt, 43, jointly commissioned with Global Green USA. The couple also hope to raise awareness for the region, which was devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Says the source, “They think it is important to be there right now.”

Us Weekly 

Actually this city is a perfect fit for them.


Ryan Seacrest has more to say about Angelina Jolie than she had to say to him
February 19th, 2007 under American Idol 1-5, Angelina Jolie, Brangelina, Ryan Seacrest. [ Comments: none ]

E!’s resident red carpet monkey Ryan Seacrest is not pleased with Angelina Jolie giving him the brush-off when he tried to interview her at the Golden Globe Awards Monday night. Seacrest, who was covering the event as part of E!’s pre-show, went off on Jolie on his KIIS-FM radio show in L.A. on Wednesday morning. “I asked her four questions and she didn’t even answer me,” he complained. “I literally stood there and tried to ask a couple of questions. At one point I just kind of let the E! microphone sit in front of her for a second to see if she was going to acknowledge it, and she clearly wanted nothing to do with me or my question or my answer or any of it.” Seacrest was more forgiving of Jolie’s other half, Brad Pitt, who was standing next to her during the interview and did most of the talking. “Brad was fantastic.” The host went on to praise the actress for her charity work, but complained about her dour expression on the red carpet: “I think doing good is fantastic. A lot of people are benefiting around the world from their doing of all of these nobles things. But smile." Cohost Ellen K then came to Angie’s defense saying, "Well, she has said that she finds all these award shows a waste of time and money." "Well then don’t go,” Seacrest shot back. “Don’t go. Don’t go support your man. Don’t go."

Us Weekly 

Good for him because I thought he handled the situation with class, Joan Rivers would've ripped her a new one. Don't let her get to you Ryan, you are better than that!


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