Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Angelina Jolie
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Angelina Jolie injured on the set of Salt
May 31st, 2009 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

(Photo from Splash News Online)

Angelina Jolie was injured today doing a stunt on the set of Salt according to Us Weekly. Angelina bumped her head and suffered a nick between eyes that started to bleed, so they took her to the hospital.
Here is the statement from the studio:

“This morning, while filming an action sequence during production of her new movie Salt, Angelina Jolie sustained a minor injury. As a precautionary measure, Ms. Jolie will be taken to the hospital and examined. Production on the film has resumed.”

Leave it to the super mother of 6, to be taken to hospital for an injury and then go back to work as soon as she was released! This is just another reason why I respect her so much!
Hopefully the injury won’t leave a scar.


Angelina Jolie has her cake and eats it too
May 24th, 2009 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: 7 ]

Splash News Online
I think we can put any doubts about Angelina Jolie not eating to rest after seeing her eat a piece of birthday cake for Salt director Simon West.
I love how she kept the handcuff on while she chowed down on that yummy chocolate cake. And I think after she is done filming Salt, she get her hair done like the wig she is wearing because that style looks really good on her.


People Magazine takes the fun out of Brangelina rumors
April 21st, 2009 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

So People Magazine went to source to clear up the recent rumors about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, and look at what they found out…

Liquid Diet? Rumor: Angelina is on a liquid diet that has caused her to shed so much weight that she recently passed out on a film set. Truth: “Angie is very happy and healthy,” says a source close to the actress. False

Adopting again? Rumor: Angelina and Brad are adding to their family, this time adopting in the Philippines. Truth: Another non-starter, fresh on the heels of erroneous reports the couple were adopting in India. False

Pregnant? Rumor: Brad and Angelina are expecting another child. Truth: Their twins, Viv and Knox don’t turn 1 until July. False

Dang you Basterds at People for ruining all our fun! Well at least they didn’t debunk the split rumor, so us bloggers still have something to blog about!


BTWF music videos: Angelina Jolie in Meatloaf’s Rock’N’Roll Dreams Come True
March 12th, 2009 under Angelina Jolie, Before They Were Famous, Brangelina, Meat Loaf/Jim Steinman. [ Comments: 3 ]

Before Angelina Jolie was the woman everyone Dreamed about, she was the runaway girl that made Meatloaf’s Rock’N’Roll Dreams Come True! Even back in 1983, the 18 year old was just as beautiful. Did she ever go through that awkward stage?


Will Suri Cruise and Shiloh Jolie-Pitt become BFF?
March 11th, 2009 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina, Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: 4 ]

OMG! This is a friendship made in Hollywood Heaven, Suri Cruise and Shiloh Jolie-Pitt!!! According to OK! Magazine Katie Holmes is trying to arrange a play date for her little doll with Brad Pitt's mini-me!
"Katie loves entertaining and spoke to Angelina about having an at-home tea party with cupcakes for the girls," a friend of Katie's tells OK!. "It's something she has wanted to do for ages," adds another source close to the actress. "Because of security reasons, Katie can't have just any child over to her home. But with celebrity tots like Shiloh and Zahara, there's no problem."
"Since the film, their careers and social circles have become so different, they rarely see each other," explains the source. But the two men acted like old friends that night. "Both talked at length about their children," adds the source, "and they agreed to get their little girls together."
There may be another reason for the playdate too. Katie desperately wants to introduce Suri to other children her age. While the toddler has adopted siblings Connor, 14, and Isabella, 16, to play with, the teens are much older. "Suri's a very shy young lady," a Cruise insider tells OK!. "Even when Tom or Katie have taken her to a park or beach and tried to introduce her to other kids for a little playtime, it hasn't worked. She's very clingy."
"Katie told Angelina she just knew Suri and Shiloh are going to get along fantastically well," says the insider, "and Suri is already getting into the idea."
I love the OK! source's excuses why Katie says that Suri doesn't have any friends. Poor girl needs friends and Shiloh and her should totally become BFF! Which I am sure they will be until Kingston Rossdale comes between them!!! And BTW why haven't The Cruises reached out to The Afflecks to arrange a playdate for Suri and Violet?

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