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Prime Video gets Dolly Parton to host the ACMs!
February 3rd, 2022 under Dolly Parton, Prime Video. [ Comments: none ]

Stacie Huckeba

CBS parted ways with the American Country Music awards, and Prime Video picked it up. Therefore, they wanted to go big, and they are. They asked Dolly Parton if she would do it, and she said yes!

Actually she said, “I am so excited to be hosting the ACM Awards on March 7 from Vegas. Watch for us because we’re going to have some fun.”

I am not a huge fan of Country Music or awards shows, but I am going to be watching this one because of Miss Dolly.

However, I don’t know why they think she needs co-hosts to help her. She can do it all by herself unless they are thinking of asking Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin to do it!

One last note, the reason why they were able to get Parton to do it, is she releasing her album Run Rose Run on March 4th. You can get exclusive merchandise on Amazon to go with the record and the book which accompanies it that comes out on April 5th.


As We See It is a heartfelt show that normalizes autism
January 24th, 2022 under Joe Mantegna, Prime Video. [ Comments: none ]

Prime Video has a new show streaming now called As We See It, and it is something that everyone should watch. It is the story of three people in their 20’s with Autism who are living together in an assisted apartment with an aide who is going to teach them to how to be independent.

The show was created by Jason Katims, who has an autistic child. Therefore, he wanted to make sure that the program was authentic. The series’ lead actors, Rick Glassman, Sue Ann Pien, and Albert Rutecki, are all on the spectrum. Joe Mantegna, who plays the father of Glassman’s character, has a child with Autism in her mid-20’s.

This is not Music. This is as real as you get. Because of that, you get a show that normalizes Autism and demonstrates the struggles they have in their daily lives. Lives that are not much different than ours.

As I said, it is a show about three people with Autism living together. So who are these roommates?

There is Jack (Glassman), who has Asperger’s, and he has no social skills. He has just gotten fired from his job because he pretty much called his boss an idiot. If his day cannot get any worse, his father (Mantenga) tells him that he has cancer. This news sends Jack into a tailspin. He needs to know everything about his father’s health, and he doesn’t care if he pisses off the doctor and his staff. Luckily for Jack, there is a nurse (Délé Ogundiran) in the office who is going to help Jack in more ways than just his dad’s healthcare. She is going to teach him empathy and how to better interact with people.

Jack’s father needs to find a guardian for his son in case the cancer treatment doesn’t work. There is a heartwrenching episode when he asks his sister to take care of her nephew. Also, the scenes between Glassman and Mantegna are so beautiful because you see a dad trying to do everything for his son, but his son can’t show appreciation. However, Jack does find a way to do it. That will just grab at your heartstrings.

Violet (Pien) is the only girl in the apartment, and she desperately wants a boyfriend. She looks like any 25-year-old, but she has the maturity of a 15-year-old. And like a teen of that age, she thinks she can do whatever she wants. That is why her brother (Chris Pang) is really strict and protective of her so that she doesn’t get hurt by boys. Her brother is her guardian because their parents are dead. He cares so much about his sister, it is causing him problems with his girlfriend.

Like most spoiled teens, Violet has uncontrollable outbursts. One of them even costs her job at Arby’s, where she met a guy who is interested in her.

Finally, there is Harrison (Rutecki). He is a sweet man, but he is afraid of going outside. He also has problems interacting with people because he is shy. However, he befriends a neighbor who is a young boy with a single mother. Even though she is not around that much, she doesn’t want her son hanging out with Harrison. Like Violet, he is very immature for his age.

There is one more person in the apartment, and that is their aide Mandy (Sosie Bacon). She wants to go to medical school to work with autistic people, but for now, she is working with these three. She is really good with them because she treats them as equals as she teaches them how to become more independent. She is working with Harrison to go outside. She is a friend to Violet as she shares her wisdom with her about matters like boys. And her most challenging job is teaching Jack how to care about other people besides himself and see how his interactions with people can hurt them.

She is putting all of her heart into them, and it might cost her boyfriend, who is moving away. He wants her to come with him, but she is torn. Should she stay with these three people to who she has grown extremely close, or should he move away and be with the man that she might marry?

No matter what life throws at them, they have each other. By learning to accept their challenges individually, they are also helping each other grow as a group. They are like a family who is always going to be there for each other because no one else will understand what they are going through besides people like them.

Sometimes you watch a show, and you know it is going to make a difference in the world. As We See It is one of the shows. So, see it, and then tell other people to see it.

In the last 45 years, we, as a society, have become more aware of Autism and not something we just hideaway. Therefore, we are seeing a lot more of it, but that doesn’t mean we know a lot about it. It is programs like this that are going to help to normalize it.

Katims is giving us a teaching tool with a lot of heart that is also entertaining. I binged the show in less than a day because I couldn’t wait to find out what happens next. So spend the day watching a series that will change your outlook for the better.


The Boys gets an animated spinoff and it looks bloody good!
January 18th, 2022 under Prime Video. [ Comments: none ]

Are you bummed that you have to wait until June for new episodes of The Boys on Prime Video? Well, today, they announced that we will be getting an animated spinoff before that.

The Boys Presents: Diabolical is going to release all the episodes for the first season on March 4th. We don’t know much about the eight episodes, but we do know that they run about 13 minutes and will reveal unseen stories within The Boys Universe.

We also can tell from this short clip that is going to be a lot of fun, just like the Emmy-nominated anti-Superhero series. I can’t wait to watch it with the Superhero loving kids in my life. That is what they get for making me sit through all of those Marvel Universe movies.


The Boys will be back on…
January 7th, 2022 under Prime Video. [ Comments: none ]

Have you been eagerly waiting for news about the third season of The Boys? Well, Prime Video announced when we will be getting new episodes of the anti-Superhero dramedy. The first three episodes drop on June 3rd, and then we will get a new one every Friday until the shocking season finale on July 8th.

That is all they said. What I want to know is, are we getting more of Love Sausage? We need to see more of him because I cannot get enough of his Love Sausage. With both him and Jensen Ackles appearing on the new season of The Boys, my summer nights just got so much hotter.


The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is back and she means business
November 30th, 2021 under Prime Video. [ Comments: none ]

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel ended the third season with her career in jeopardy. But that was then, this season on Prime Video, she is ready to take on the comedy world on February 18th.

At least, that is what we can gather from today’s promo because tomorrow, we will learn more about what we can expect. Since they will be releasing a new sneak peek every day this week. When it comes to the series’ fourth season, they will be dropping two episodes every Friday for four weeks. Twice the laughs to end the week.


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