Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Alec Baldwin
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Was jailers the word Alec Baldwin was playing when he got kicked off the flight?
December 11th, 2011 under Alec Baldwin, Saturday Night Live. [ Comments: none ]

As we all know Alec Baldwin was kicked off of an American Airlines flight for refusing to stop playing Words with Friends when the stewardess told him to. Ever since the incident the 30 Rock star has been quiet about what happened, but yesterday he broke his silence on Saturday Night Live. Well technically he did because instead of going on as himself, he went as the Captain Steve Rogers on Weekend Update and apologized to himself for what happened. I wonder if after that he is not only on American Airlines “Do Not Fly” list, but everyone elses too?


Alec Baldwin has some Words with American Airlines
December 6th, 2011 under Alec Baldwin. [ Comments: 1 ]

Alec Baldwin was kicked off of an American Airlines flight today from LA for playing Words with Friends on his iPad. Shortly after he got the boot he Tweeted what happened by saying, “Flight attendant on American reamed me out 4 playing WORDS W FRIENDS while we sat at the gate, not moving. #nowonderamericaairisbankrupt”. He didn’t stop there he then went on a rant by saying, “But, oddly, 30 Rock plays inflight on American. #theresalwaysunited” and “Now on the 3 o’clock American flight. The flight attendants already look…..smarter.#theresalwaysunited Last flight w American. Where retired Catholic school gym teachers from the 1950’s find jobs as flight attendants.” Why are the older flight attendants more stringent than the younger ones? I noticed that on the flights I have taken.
Now back to the 30 Rock star, what was the word he was playing when he got reamed a new one? He said, “Now, as I was kicked off this flight, the word I was playing was UNITED” Personally I think he should try JetBlue next time because they are a much more lax airline with nicer stewards and stewardesses!
Now we know his side, what is the other side? According to The NY Daily News, a source says he was ejected after not turning off his iPad and then getting up insisting for the name of the stewardess. They added that the confrontation was loud enough to get the captain out of the cockpit and it was actually the big guy on the plane that called for him to be taken off the plane.
Since Alec took his case to Twitter, so did American Airlines that Tweeted this to him, “@AlecBaldwin Mr. Baldwin, we are looking into this. Please DM us contact information.” No word he DMed them, but it could be because he is on a AA flight to NY as I type this.
BTW anyone else think that Kevin Smith and him should do a movie about a horrible trip and trying to get home after getting booted off of a plane? I would pay to see it.


Does Holland Taylor want to be more than Bosom Buddies with Alec Baldwin?
September 6th, 2011 under Alec Baldwin. [ Comments: none ]

Holland Taylor took to Twitter to ask Alec Baldwin, “Of the older women with whom you have (perhaps) had liaisons, how old was the eldest? If there was such a one, was it good?” So I am wondering if the 68 old year old actress is trying to hit on the 53 year old actor who is dating a 27 year old yoga instructor or she is trying to figure out why he would bend over backwards to date a woman half his age?
Either that or the man who played her son (Charlie Sheen) on Two and a Half Men for all those years was a bad influence on the talented actress that won over our hearts on Bosom Buddies. What do you think her reasoning is behind that Tweet?
BTW you can see her mourn her TV son in two weeks when 2.5 2.0 returns to CBS at 9p.


Alec Baldwin or Billy Ray Cyrus?
June 1st, 2011 under Alec Baldwin, Billy Ray Cyrus. [ Comments: none ]

Adam Shankman is directing the big screen version of Rock of Ages in Miami and he Tweeted a picture of two of his stars in costume for it. Russel Brand looks the same, but with extensions. Now when it comes to Alec Baldwin, he looks more like Billy Ray Cyrus than himself. Seriously can’t you picture him belting out Achy Breaky Heart looking like that? Actually not only that, I think he looks king of hot in that wig!


Alec Baldwin steals Steve Martin’s thunder, but he hams it up!
March 17th, 2011 under Alec Baldwin, David Letterman, Steve Martin. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Martin was a guest on The Late Show with David Letterman and Alec Baldwin was in the audience. After they hosted the Oscars together last year, Alec Baldwin tied Steve Martin’s record of hosting Saturday Night Live the most at 15 times. It looks like it has made their relationship like their movie…and It’s complicated. Because as soon as Jack Donaghy heard he was on the show he made a run for 30 Rock.
Even though the Wild and Crazy guy seemed shocked by his Oscar co-hosts words, he was still able to steal the show back and ham it up during his interview. Who knew The Jerk had such a large Bowfinger down there? I think Alec Baldwin set him, don’t you?
Seriously how funny were both of those bits? They had me laughing out loud!


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