I didn’t realize how much I missed Aerosmith until I saw their first video in almost a decade. The band is back with Legendary Child and they showed those youngsters how music videos are done. Seriously they still have it, let’s hope they continue to bring it.
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Steven Tyler was photographed with his arms around Cloris Leachman and dancing with the octogenarian, so I have to wonder if the two Fox stars have something to tell us? Probably not, but I would like to imagine that they do because imagine what a zany couple they would be.
BTW I am not going to mention the Raising Hope’s Meemaw’s camel toe in the first picture because that wouldn’t be nice of me.
Forget Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve, the real Rockin’ Eve happened in Hawaii. Steven Tyler, Weird Al Yankovic and Alice Cooper all came together on New Year’s Eve and sang a classic Beatles tune in Wailea, Maui. The three men with great hair rocked out to Come Together in a way that hasn’t been done as good as the Fab Four originally did it! Seriously seeing them jam like that I want to see them come together on a tour and play whatever songs they want. That and I want to see what else Weird Al can do with his leg. How did he do that?
On that note the Schlock rocker had this to say about their collaboration, “Teenage Me and Present-Day Me were both insanely happy to spend New Year’s Eve with these guys.” And then he added, “Every New Year’s Eve for the rest of my life is gonna suck.” And I am sure everyone who was there that night to see them jamming like that feels the same way. Sh!t if I was there that is how I would feel.
BTW I love Weird Al but seeing him with the Aerosmith singer and Cooper; it’s kind of like one of these is not like the other two. Don’t you agree?
Steven Tyler and gravity have a problem with each other and the latest example of that was on Tuesday when he fell in the shower face first. Well the yesterday the show went on for the Aerosmith singer a day after loving up as he was going down and this morning he broke his silence like his two front teeth about what happened on The Today Show. Matt Lauer point blank asked him if it was a fall in the shower or a fall off the wagon that created his new look and he insisted it was the first. I think even though he looks like a meth addict with the missing teeth and black and blue marks on his face, I do think he did it naturally!
BTW yesterday on Jimmy Kimmel Live had a little fun at the American Idol judge’s expense and you can hear the new versions of his old songs!
Steven Tyler has written a memoir called Does the Noise in My Head Bother You? and in it he revealed intimate details of his life. ABC News has several excerpts from the book and here are a few of them.
The Aerosmith lead singer admitted that he has been with a man, so will he Walk That Way again? He said, “Gay sex just doesn’t do it for me. I tried it one time when I was younger, but I just didn’t dig it.”
Now Janie can’t have a Gun but he has demands about how she takes care of herself, “As dirty as my mind is, my body’s pretty clean. Kelly [one of the Aerosmith entourage] always made sure the girls were in the shower when I got in the room. I liked my pulchritude pristine! I can’t kiss a girl that’s been stage diving with 500 other guys.” But he has done worse with more girls than that one girl has stage dived with, so who is he to make that judgement? Just saying.
And now we know Dude Looks Like Lady so how in tune is he with his feminine side? His answer explains a lot, “I’ve been misquoted as saying that I’m more female than male. Let me set the record straight — it’s more half and half, and I love the fact that my feelings are akin to puella eternis (Latin for “the eternal girl”). What better to be like than the stronger of the species?”
I am so getting this book, but I have a feeling I will need a shower afterwards. And Steven Tyler that is not a proposition!!! Oh wait he is 5 handfuls down there, maybe it is…