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Candy Spelling writes a letter to Paris Hilton
May 13th, 2007 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling, Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]

Candy Spelling sent a letter to Paris Hilton via TMZ. I don't understand why Candy keeps sending letters to TMZ and not to the person directly. I guess she will do anything for publicity. Saying that she actually wrote a great letter.

Dear Paris,

As someone who has known you for most of your life, I pay special attention to your press coverage. (Apparently, I'm not alone, based on the responses every word about you creates on and elsewhere.)

Paris, I'm very worried about you. The last week has not only been an obvious roller-coaster for you emotionally, but your strategy went from blaming employees and stating silly excuses like, "I don't read," to your new lawyer's tactic to have you sound mature and take some responsibility. In between, the paparazzi continue to follow you shopping and taking self-defense classes (to protect yourself in jail?), and some over-zealous friends staged embarrassing protests (three people?), and wasted taxpayer funds with a petition to pardon you.

People who are rich and famous are not treated like "regular" people, even though you claim to now be just like everyone else. In most situations, your privileged life works to your benefit. You have opportunities, access and resources like few others; and frankly, you can get away with more bad behavior and excuses than most people could even imagine. However, as the real possibility of jail approaches — whether it's 21 days or 45 or whatever the latest report is — it's time to get real. It's time to find "a Paris" somewhere between "heiress" and a character on "The Simple Life." I know she's there, and I know she can be a good citizen and maturely face consequences other people would have to face under the same circumstances.

I am sorry you have been sentenced to jail. I can't think of too much that would be worse. But since you let this happen, use the next couple of weeks preparing not only by publicly learning to fight (not a good message to fellow inmates), but by looking around, realizing that you are not as truly entitled as your money implies. You are a young woman who can add more to her community than establishing new definitions for infamy.


Candy Spelling


Oxygen Inn Love with Tori and Dean
May 6th, 2007 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling. [ Comments: none ]

Oxygen has picked up Tori and Dean: Inn Love for a second season according to Variety!!! No word what we can expect from the second season, but we know there is at least one new member to the show, Liam! I am so happy this show was picked up for a second season because it has become one of my favorite new shows of the season. After watching this show, I so want a marriage like the one that Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott have!!!

A sweet Dean McDermott, Tori Spelling and Liam moment!
April 9th, 2007 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling. [ Comments: none ]

They are just such a couple in love and as you can see how much they love Liam. I so want what they have. If you watch Tori & Dean: Inn Love you will see that their love is so true and so sweet and looking at that picture just makes me so envious. OMG, I am such a girl! I will stop now because I even made myself nauseous with what I wrote

Candy Spelling offers Larry Birkhead some motherly advice
April 9th, 2007 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling, Anna Nicole Smith. [ Comments: none ]


Candy Spelling reached to Larry Birkhead through TMZ with some motherly advice. Which makes me wonder if she has a crush on him! But seriously if you read this letter, don't you wonder why she is doing this?


Dear Larry:

As the court appearance that will change your life approaches, I am stepping into my role as a celebrity- by- association to share some experiences with you.

1) The hair, Larry: Most of the time, your hair looks great, and I'm sure you spend a lot of time getting it right. Just be warned that you might look good every day for a month. But the one day you leave in a hurry and don't pay enough attention, or you get a little wild with an untested new style — photos will be taken that will haunt you forever.
2) Fans/autograph seekers: Hollywood lives in fear of being yesterday's celebrity and ending up with an autograph languishing on eBay for days with no bids. If people want many copies, if they don't want you to personalize it, and/or they ask for Anna Nicole's name as part of your signature, nicely decline. If you slip and do see your autograph on sale, have a good friend bid more than 99 cents to buy it.

3) The lawyers: You've already found out that you have turned from man to cash machine. Lawyers aren't the only ones who will see you that way, especially if you are Dannielynn's biological father. The good news is that someone who presents you with a bill for $620,492.84 must think you have a good case. The bad news is that you will need more lawyers to fight the legal bills. My advice: Negotiate in advance, and put in a clause against expenses for lawyers, spouses, meals or laundry.

I wish you success in court on Tuesday, but beware: There's never enough preparation for "celebrity." I'll never get used to tour buses and cameras outside my house every day, reporters analyzing my grocery choices, and bloggers pretending to know more about my family than I do; but I do have a good life. Yours can be, too. Just remember that celebrity and/or money mean that nothing will ever be the same — and act accordingly.

All the best,

Candy Spelling

(photo from Celebrity Mound


Tori Spelling and Liam Aaron McDermott
April 4th, 2007 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling. [ Comments: 1 ]

Us Weekly has the first pictures of Liam Aaron McDermott and how his coming into the world was not that easy. Tori Spelling's water broke 15 days before she gave birth and doctors had to induce labor. Even being induced was not that easy for her because she was in labor for 17 hours, ouch. After 17 hours of labor and his heartbeat starting to slow, her doctor who also delivered Shiloh Pitt-Jolie,decided to do a C-section, "I asked Dr. Rothbart if he'd do a good job, and he said, 'Well, Angelina didn't complain.' So I was like, 'If Angelina let him do a C-section in Africa, I am OK. I felt comforted by that.'" As we know that C-section went well and little Liam Aaron McDermott was born. How much does he look like his dad Dean McDermott?

Also born the same day as Liam, or should I say reborn was the relationship between Tori and Candy Spelling, "I'm so happy she's back in my life. Having a child puts it all in perspective. Knowing the bond I have with Liam means that I get my mom's bond with me." Hopefully Candy will give her some more money since she has plenty to spare.

BTW I will say this every week, I so love Tori & Dean: Inn Love on Oxygen. If you haven't seen it you need to check it out. It is just a feel good, sweet reality show! 


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