Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Tori Spelling and Liam Aaron McDermott
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[ # ] Tori Spelling and Liam Aaron McDermott
April 4th, 2007 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling

Us Weekly has the first pictures of Liam Aaron McDermott and how his coming into the world was not that easy. Tori Spelling's water broke 15 days before she gave birth and doctors had to induce labor. Even being induced was not that easy for her because she was in labor for 17 hours, ouch. After 17 hours of labor and his heartbeat starting to slow, her doctor who also delivered Shiloh Pitt-Jolie,decided to do a C-section, "I asked Dr. Rothbart if he'd do a good job, and he said, 'Well, Angelina didn't complain.' So I was like, 'If Angelina let him do a C-section in Africa, I am OK. I felt comforted by that.'" As we know that C-section went well and little Liam Aaron McDermott was born. How much does he look like his dad Dean McDermott?

Also born the same day as Liam, or should I say reborn was the relationship between Tori and Candy Spelling, "I'm so happy she's back in my life. Having a child puts it all in perspective. Knowing the bond I have with Liam means that I get my mom's bond with me." Hopefully Candy will give her some more money since she has plenty to spare.

BTW I will say this every week, I so love Tori & Dean: Inn Love on Oxygen. If you haven't seen it you need to check it out. It is just a feel good, sweet reality show! 


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