Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling
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Liam Spelling looks just like his grandfather
August 11th, 2007 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling. [ Comments: 1 ]

People is saying that Dean McDermott is suffering from a herniated disc and that is why he is wearing the neck brace. I wonder if he got it from trying to make a sibling for Liam.
BTW Tori & Dean: Inn Love is back on the 14th! 

Tori Spelling is a Reverend
July 10th, 2007 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling. [ Comments: 1 ]

Monday, July 09, 2007


Reverend TS

So, very exciting weekend for this new mom. I am now officially ordained. Yep, thats right….Reverend Tori Spelling! I did it last week online and my official certificate is in the mail. I'm so proud. I can't wait to hang it. And, this weekend Chateau La Rue had its very first wedding. I was so honored when the couple asked me to officiate. We did it on the front steps of the Chateau as 40 of their friends looked on seated in a lounge like atmosphere. It was so beautiful as I united Tony and Dex as life partners in love. They wrote their own beautiful vows and there was so much love surrounding them that there wasnt a dry eye in the driveway! I was beyond nervous though. I've done live theater and presented at The Emmys and this by far was my scariest moment simply because they had bestowed such an honor upon me and I didnt want to let them down. Afterwards, we threw the reception on our grounds where guests dined on tapas of hanger steak, sea bass, veggie lasagna, and tuna tartare. We had amazing Martini's( thank you Krol Vodka) that we named after the couples favorite Broadway musicals. And, once again our friends at Wilson Creek Winery provided us with their special Almond Champagne. Its the best in the world! Our guests can't get enough of it. We danced to 80's,70's,house, and got a show stopping performance of "Caberet" from one of our grooms. Dean and I took Liam out onto the dance floor and he had his first dance in our arms. The three of us swayed and smiled to Madonna. It was a magical evening of pure love. I will never forget that night and was so proud to witness first hand what I already knew… that Love is pure and true Love knows no gender.As I put Liam down to bed that evening I told him that he will one day find true love. A love that unites him as one with his soulmate. He will be raised knowing that  true love is the ultimate and pure love know no age, gender, or race. I've found it, Tony and Dex have found it, and I wish love to all that seek it. Don't ever let anyone tell you who to Love. Only our hearts can dictate that. Congrats again Tony and Dex…we wish you a lifetime of happiness. Love, T


Tori Spelling MySpace (blog) and People (photo)
I wonder if she charged them extra ro perform the wedding? 

Another Candy Spelling letter…
June 16th, 2007 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling, Britney Spears. [ Comments: none ]


(photo from X17 Online


Dear Britney:

You made me do it. I didn't plan to write another letter now. I took two weeks off from because I didn't feel strongly about what anyone was doing — or else I couldn't decide which side to believe.

You've driven me back to my laptop to ask why, if you have to slither in and out of cars, do clumsy imitations of gymnasts and wear clothes that are just too tight, trashy or skimpy, do you have to pose in front of photographers all the time? We've seen the body parts, poses and clumsy attention-seeking tricks before. You're wearing out your welcome. Some people never can turn away from a train wreck, so who can blame the photographers for waiting for your next one? Do you really want captions such as TMZ's own "Victim of Pap Smear" and "Does Britney Change Clothes for Cash" to be your legacy? You can do much better.

Unlike some others who are famous for being famous, you initially earned the fame and respect you achieved. You were a giant star, a Mouseketeer, a singer whose song titles became part of everyone's vocabulary. You made some missteps. We all do. But, when you become more famous for hideous, irresponsible actions than accomplishments, it's time to step back and figure out where you want your life to go. So many young girls still see you as a role model. Give those kids a reason to look up to you. They're probably even tired of the endless speculation about what undergarments you may or may not be wearing. I know their parents would like you to move on and get dressed. Even the school uniform was more dignified.

You're doing all right with the wigs. I know the paparazzi have a bounty on your (wigless) head. I think it's great that you have a variety of wigs (some very stylish) when you go out in public. If you do feel you need to show how your hair is growing back, at least make a deal with a photographer to sell the photo and donate the money to charity. Do you know what a statement that would make?

Enough with the sorry grabs for attention. Deep down, especially for your sons, people want you to succeed. You can always get attention if you need it. Visit someone famous in jail and attract a zillion photographers if you're that addicted to fame. Americans like winners. We like those stories about what people do with second chances. How about a moratorium on train wrecks and some time out for paying back the fans who helped you succeed?


Candy Spelling via TMZ

Someone please make her stop. Can't she use her spare time to buy Liam Aaron Spelling presents or knit him some clothes? She so needs a life desperately. 



Jimmy Kimmel is so cruel to the Spelling Bee champ
June 7th, 2007 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

via Jimmy Kimmel Live!

I just love Guillermo, he is so bloody cute! And how cute was that kid trying to understand what he was saying.  That whole clip was hysterical, ayern.


Candy Spelling vs Joe Francis
May 20th, 2007 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling. [ Comments: none ]

Candy Spelling has sent another open letter to TMZ for a celebrity. The first one was to Larry Birkhead, the second to Paris Hilton and the third to Joe Francis. Up until now no one responded back to her, but the jailed Joe Francis was not going to take this sitting down and fired back a letter to Candy Spelling. I just don't get why Candy Spelling keeps sending letters to TMZ, why doesn't she just start her own website and post them there. Or better yet spend all the money Aaron Spelling left her, since she isn't really sharing it with her kids. If I had that money I would be spending it or donating it to charity and not writing letters, but that is just me.

Here is Candy Spelling's letter to Joe Francis: 

Dear Joe,

As the headlines about you changed — to scream "imprisoned" and "U.S. marshals" instead of "filmmaker" and "entrepreneur," you respond by crying, wailing and seeing yourself as a victim. Bad move. Today's headlines call you a "crybaby."

You blew it, Joe. Instead of jumping from party to party, you're being shuffled from one prison to another. And no one feels sorry for you. The flatterers and entourages have moved on. They have short attention spans. They're hanging on to someone else and will take advantage of the new "temp celebrity" as long as it lasts.

The only redeeming factor is reading that you have been calling home every day from prison. When things are looking bleak, it sounds like you've found that you can get some perspective from the reliable people at home. Maybe you're realizing these are the only people who really care about you.

Your world has changed, and you're the poster boy for what can happen when boys go wild. Your every move and every emotion are still being reported, but not the way you want. It's time for some dignity. At least it might prevent you from being forever defined as a crybaby. 


Candy Spelling

Here is Joe Francis' letter to Candy Spelling:

Dear Candy:

I don't know you, I have never met you and I don't know anything about you. After reading your letter posted on the internet, my mental picture of you is of a lonely old woman living in a mansion in Holmby Hills with let's say 300 cats jumping around, some in their own feces.

I have tried to think to myself what would compel a woman such as yourself to write a letter to someone they have never met? Even worse, you are making up your mind based on headlines. I can understand you writing Paris Hilton a letter out of care because as you said in your letter, you have known her most of her life. Then again, it's sad and pathetic you had the audacity to post that letter on the internet instead of just sending it to Paris personally.

Candy, you don't know any of the facts concerning my situation. I am a hardworking, compassionate and honest person. I will prevail just as I have in the past because overcoming adversity is not only a part of the entrepreneurial experience but a part of life. You should appreciate this and know this more than anyone and I am ashamed of you for forgetting how hard it is to make it in this world and the people who would love to tear you down because you have. Sadly, it appears you have become one of those people.

Contrary to what you have said in your letter, my world has not changed. My business Girls Gone Wild is thriving and posted record sales last month. Most important, my friends and my family (I love you guys….) have stood by me. This whole situation will be over soon and I will be standing strong.

I have never played a victim but I have always been a fighter. I will ultimately prevail in the matters at hand but I am concerned that you will die a lonely and unfulfilled person playing with those cats and posting open letters to people you have never met on the internet.


Joe Francis

I think Joe Francis won this round! 


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