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Tori Spelling puts her kids to work
August 21st, 2014 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling. [ Comments: none ]

Tori Spelling Instagrammed a photo of her two oldest kids selling lemonade and snacks for humans and dogs. I guess now that Liam and Stella are 7 and 6, it’s about time they started earning their keep.
Actually, it was just the siblings having some summer fun. Just like other kids their age, and they are looking just as cute as all the other children who work a lemonade stand.


Meet About A Boy’s dad, Chicago Fire is explosive, True Tori halts production
April 29th, 2014 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling, Dick Wolf, NBC. [ Comments: 1 ]

Tonight at 9pm on NBC’s About a Boy we finally meet Marcus’ (Benjamin Stockham) dad and he’s played by Tony Hale. Hugh Womple (Hale), who has been in Antarctica studying penguins, and he just flew in to see his son for a few days. Just because he is there to see him, doesn’t mean he really wants to spend time with him. So now Will (David Walton) will do everything in his power to get those two closer and Fiona (Minnie Driver) and Hugh further apart.
Hale is the perfect actor to fill out that family because he is just quirky enough to be patriarch of it. His presence on the show explains even more why Marcus is the way that he is. Awwwdorable in his own special way!

Then at 10p on NBC, Chicago Fire is rocked by a massive explosion. Lt. Casey (Jesse Spencer) and Dawson (Monica Raymund) volunteered for a charity run at Chicago Medical and something so easy becomes the complete opposite in a second. Dawson goes in the hospital leaving Casey alone outside. While Casey is walking to two little girls, a bomb goes off throwing him into a car, and killing and injuring several people. Now everyone is on a full alert trying to save as many as they can. Which is made a lot more difficult because part of the hospital is missing due to the bomb.
Missing in the rubble is Dawson and her co-workers will do everything they can to find her. Will they find her alive? She isn’t the only person who is missing or injured from their station, someone is working through their injuries and they might become one of that fatalities if they don’t seek some help ASAP.
Along with dealing with the injured, Boden (Eamonn Walker) realizes that there might be another bomb in the hospital and they have to find it. So Cruz (Joe Minoso) and Otis (Yuri Sardarov) go in search of it and eventually they find the explosives. Will they be able to diffuse it before it goes off?
For most of this episode, it is focused on Fire and not PD. Because of that it is really intense as they do a search and rescue. I found myself glued to the television from the beginning to the end. It reminded me when ER was at its best because it is that well done.
So well done I think that NBC made a mistake by doing Chicago PD instead of Chicago Medical. I so want that spinoff instead after this episode.
Now having said that, tonight’s storyline concludes tomorrow on Chicago PD at 10p on NBC.

Also at 10p, but over on Lifetime is True Tori and it is a very emotional and revealing episode. So revealing that Dean McDermott says something that halts production on the show while the network decides if they can continue on with him and the show. What does he say that is so shocking? You just have to tune in to find out.
Let’s just Tori Spelling and him are leaving nothing out about their private lives on this show and it really is their true story. So have the tissues ready because there are a lot of real moments on this episode that will have you crying along with them.


Killing Kennedy is a masterpiece!
November 10th, 2013 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling, National Geographic. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 10p Killing Kennedy debuts on the National Geographic channel and you don’t want to miss this incredible two hour docudrama.
Killing Kennedy starts off during the last few months of 1969. During that time, John F Kennedy (Rob Lowe) wins his party’s vote to run for the President of the United States. Meanwhile at that same time Lee Harvey Oswald (Will Rothhaar) is renouncing his US citizenship and defecting to Russia. For the next 4 years their lives will go in different paths, but on November 22, 1963 their paths will collide and neither one of them will live to see December 1963.
What happens in those four years before they die is told in such a way that you will be glued to your television sets like people were almost 50 years ago to the day. You will learn the possible motive Oswald had for shooting President Kennedy and how this shooting could’ve possibly been stopped if more people had paid attention to the warning signs.
It isn’t only about these two men, it is also about the women that stood by their sides until that fateful day. Jacqueline Kennedy (Ginnifer Goodwin) is the supporting wife, who stands by her husband’s side and the man she loves is the most powerful man in the world. Marina Oswald (Michelle Trachtenberg) is a woman who lives in Russia, meets, and marries the wrong man. When he decides he wants to return to America, she is forced to leave her life behind to be with the man she married. She is alone America and stays with her husband because she is rightfully afraid of him. Something that is very evident one day in late November 1963.
While most movies that cover the Kennedy Assassination, only cover JFK’s story and/or the days leading up to and following his death. This telemovie covers the years leading up to his murder and the days following his last breath. Because of that, it is a different take on a story we know so well. I was so amazed by how intriguing this movie was that I could barely blink because I didn’t even want to miss a split second of it. Plus it will amaze you how perfectly Rob Lowe captures John F Kennedy’s essence, you will forget that is Lowe playing him and think that one of our greatest Presidents has come back to life. When it comes to Rothhaar, he was the bad man you loved on Last Resort, but in this role he makes you hate him as Oswald should be hated.
If you have any interest of what happened to JFK on November 22, 1963, then you must watch Killing Kennedy tonight. I am promise you will not be disappointed.


BTWF roles: Aaron Spelling on Alfred Hitchcok Presents
September 17th, 2012 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling, Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

via Antenna TV
Before Aaron Spelling was the most prolific television producer, he was an actor. You can totally recognize the 32 year old mogul in that 1955 episode.


BTWF stand up: Jay Leno on The Tonight Show
September 10th, 2012 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling, Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Jay Leno was hosting The Tonight Show, he was just a guest comedian on the late night talk show. What a head of hair the 26 year old comedian had back in 1977.


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