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Is it a for Flavor Flav to be in building with high school girls?
February 16th, 2011 under 80s, Flavor Flav. [ Comments: none ]

Flavor Flav is pitching a reality show where he goes back to high school to get his diploma. The 51 year old dropped out of high school in 10th grade and wants to go back to prove that anyone can get it at any age. He told WQAD he would even pay kids to stay in school with him.
Now the premise sounds like a great idea, but I have to wonder since he is the man who gave us Flavor of Love, if it’s safe for him to be around all those high school girls? We saw how he reacted to women that were barely older than that, and we all know that went down? He couldn’t even remember their names, so he gave them nicknames…how is he going to learn about chemistry and biology then? At least we know he will be good in sex-ed, that is unless they are teaching abstinence-only??? Could you imagine him with a purity ring?
So do you think it is time for him to go back to school or is his time up?


We can finally tell the Mowry sisters apart!
February 13th, 2011 under 80s, The Mowry Siblings. [ Comments: none ]

Ever since we got know Tia and Tamera Mowry, it has been hard to tell the Sister, Sister apart. But now that Tia is pregnant and her twin is engaged, it is easy to tell which one is which. Although in a few months after one is a mom and the other one is a wife, it will go back to the guessing game of which one is which?


Curt Smith is Sowing the Seeds of Love with his daughter!
February 9th, 2011 under 80s, Tears For Fears. [ Comments: 2 ]

(photo from WireImage)

Tears for Fears Curt Smith was trying to explain the Mad World of celebrity crushes to his daughter Diva and her answer was tough for him to get out of and awwwdorable for us to read.
Here is the conversation he Tweeted he had with his older daughter:

Off to bed after discussing being “famous” with eldest regarding @justinbieber movie. She loves him and I say “but you don’t know him”…
she says, “but I love you and your famous” – I have no answer for that apart from a smile. #Ilovemykids

How precious is that answer to her being Head over Heels for Justin Bieber! I guess sometimes it is hard being a celebrity parent.


This is the real Motley Crue!
February 7th, 2011 under 80s, Mötley Crüe. [ Comments: none ]

Vince Neil is turning 50, so the Motley Crue singer celebrated his milestone in Vegas by throwing a party. What better way to honor turning a half century then by him inviting his “closest friends” Carrot Top and Flavor Flav. Looking at those pictures, I think Neil needs to dump Tommy Lee and Nikki Sixx and replace them with Flavor Flav and Carrot Top because those three are the real Motley Crue!


Downtown Julie Brown’s cry for attention?
January 25th, 2011 under 80s. [ Comments: 7 ]

Fifty-one year old Downtown Julie Brown attended the premiere of Mega Python and Gatoroid yesterday in NY where the temperature was below freezing and she wore that get up. So I have to wonder if that is a cry for attention because it was way too cold to be wearing that in that weather. It was in the 50’s here in LA and it was too cold for me to go out without a sweater, jeans and a coat, so I can’t believe she went out in Manhattan like that.
Not only that I think she is too old to be showing off her body like that. I just think that should be worn by a woman half her age.


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