Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Become a Razzie member today to help select the nominations!!!
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[ # ] Become a Razzie member today to help select the nominations!!!
January 8th, 2009 under Razzies movies?

So there has been some confusion that the Razzie noms are out, but in reality that list is actually just the selection list to limit it down to the final nominations. And if you become a Razzie member for just $25 today, you too can help to narrow down that list to what will be this year’s nominees for worst movie, acting and so on. But you must act ASAP because they are due by January 10th! The actually Razzie noms will be announced by John Wilson aka Ye Olde Head RAZZberry on January 21st! The winners will be announced on February 21st at Barnsdall Gallery Theatre in Hollywood and if you become a member, you can go to the 29th Annual Awards show! As a proud Razzie member, I can tell you it is the funnest awards show of the season!!!! So become a Razzie member now, it really is the worth the $25! I mean you can tell your friends you voted for the Razzies!!!


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