Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Barry Manilow’s All I Want for Christmas Is You cheesy greatness!
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[ # ] Barry Manilow’s All I Want for Christmas Is You cheesy greatness!
November 17th, 2023 under Barry Manilow, Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey is the Queen of Christmas because of her hit All I Want for Christmas Is You. Therefore, a lot of artists want to cover the modern Christmas Carol.

This year, Barry Manilow did his own version of the holiday’s top song. And you know what? And I am risking coal in my stocking. But I think it is better than the original!

I can picture dancing to this at the work holiday party with an egg nog in my hand and a Santa hat on my head.

Seriously, isn’t his take more fun?

Dear Santa, Please don’t put me on the naughty list for saying this. Unless being on the naughty list gets you naughty adult toys! They are my purrfect stocking stuffer! And by that, I mean, well, you know what I mean.


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