Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Andrew McCarthy talks to his fellow Brats about being in the Brat Pack
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[ # ] Andrew McCarthy talks to his fellow Brats about being in the Brat Pack
May 22nd, 2024 under Andrew McCarthy, Brat Pack

Back in the ’80s, there was a group of 20-something movie stars who were labeled as the Brat Pack in a Tima Magazine article. The actors starred in the John Hughes films St. Elmo’s Fire and Taps.

To their fans, it was a cool name. To them, it wasn’t a title they wanted to go by. However, they didn’t talk to each other about it.

That was then. Recently, Andrew McCarthy traveled the country and talked to his fellow members of the Pack, such as Rob Lowe, Demi Moore, Ally Sheedy, Emilio Estevez, Jon Cryer, Lea Thompson, Timothy Hutton, and key members of production, including directors, casting directors, screenwriters, and producers, to find out what being in the Brat Pack meant to them.

On June 13th, we will hear what he told them in his documentary Brats, which will stream on Hulu.

“The Brat Pack has cast a long shadow over my life and career,” said McCarthy. “After all these years, I was curious to see how it had affected my fellow Brat Pack members. What I found was surprising — and liberating.”

As an ’80s kid, I can’t wait to see what Blane uncovered! So, I will be watching. Probably more than once.


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