Seriously? OMG! WTF? » A ’70s girl’s wet dream: Henry Winkler and John Travolta!
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[ # ] A ’70s girl’s wet dream: Henry Winkler and John Travolta!
August 26th, 2019 under Henry Winkler, John Travolta, Wet dream

Back in the ’70s, women were in love with The Fonz and Vinnie Barbino. Even though both of them shared many magazine covers, we never saw them in the same photo.

That is until now. The two men met over the weekend, and we got this smile-inducing photo as a present. It might be over 40 since we fell in love with Henry Winkler on Happy Days and John Travolta on Welcome Back, Kotter, however, we still adore them as much now as we did then. They both get better with age. And I still would not tell them to “Sit on it” or say to them “Up your nose with a rubber hose.” Yet, I would love to scream “Ayyyy” with them. If you know what I mean.

Seriously, doesn’t this picture bring you so much joy? It made my day!

They should do a project together. Maybe they both can compete to be Danny Zuko in a sequel to Grease. Since Winkler turned it down and Travolta, as we know, got the role. I wonder if they talked about that when they met up?

I can honestly just see the two of them talking to each other with huge smiles on their faces. They both are some of the nicest guys in Hollywood.


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