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Hot Links!
February 7th, 2025 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Guess who that golden girl is? – Celebitchy

Will Kim Kardashian do another Roast? – Pajiba

Which Trump got a show on Fox News? – The Cut

Denise Richards has a family reality show – Egotastic

Christina Aguilera in short shorts – Drunken Stepfather

Will Stranger Things final season debut in 2025? – Screen Rant


Guess who is holding a cat?
February 7th, 2025 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see went from cats to the catwalk, then click here!


BTWF: Ted Danson for Colt 45
February 7th, 2025 under Before They Were Famous, Ted Danson Mary Steenburgen. [ Comments: none ]

Before Ted Danson owned a bar on Cheers, he hung at one and was drinking Colt 45. How handsome was the 30-year-old in that 1978 commercial?


Donny Osmond is singing Puppy Love to himself in Vegas!
February 7th, 2025 under The Osmonds. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday, Donny Osmond revealed that he was going to have a surprise guest joining during his Las Vegas residency at Harrah’s. The way he made it sound, we thought it would be his sister Marie. But it was not.

Instead, he says, “Thanks to some mind-blowing AI and CGI technology, I’m going to be talking and singing with Donny Osmond, the one from 1972.”

Technology is helping him sing with his 14-year-old self. But his biggest advantage is that his 14-year-old grandson, Daxton, looks a lot like his granddad when he sang Puppy Love to his fans for the first time in 1972.

How groovy is this concept? It almost makes me want to go to Vegas to see how he does it. While I won’t go back to that city, you might. If you do, then you can get ticket information here.


Ozzy Osbourne can no longer walk due to Parkinson’s
February 6th, 2025 under The Osbournes. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday, Sharon Osbourne announced that Ozzy Osbourne is going to play his final show in Birmingham on July 5th. He will be joined by his Black Sabbath bandmates and bands, like Slayer and Anthrax, who idolized the singer.

If you are going to make an announcement like that, then you are going to do interviews with the press. Sharon spoke with The Sun and gave an update on her husband’s health.

“Parkinson’s is a progressive disease. It’s not something you can stabilise. It affects different parts of the body and it’s affected his legs,” she said. “But his voice is as good as it’s ever been.”

The 76-year-old singer later confirmed what she said on his Sirius XM show Ozzy’s Boneyard. “I have made it to 2025. I can’t walk, but you know what I was thinking over the holidays? For all my complaining, I’m still alive,” he said. “I may be moaning that I can’t walk but I look down the road and there’s people that didn’t do half as much as me and didn’t make it.”

Hopefully, he will be able to do it and go out in style. With a career that started with him accidentally biting the head off of a live bat, it needs to end just as infamously.


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